The Art Of Eating Mindfully With Dr. Susan Albers
Amidst the busyness of life, it's important to slow down and pay attention to what and how we're eating. Learn from a pro, then win a cop...
Health At All Costs: The Best DHA At Every Price
We're finding ways to fit vital nutrition into your diet! No matter your budget, we've got a solution for you...
The Seaweed Solution: A Revujenating Tonic for New Moms
Did you know that new mothers have used seaweed soup to assist in their postpartum recovery for centuries? We're learning all about it...
Watch This: Dr. Fuhrman Cooks From His New Cookbook
Make this healthy fall recipe with Dr. Fuhrman and hear about his patient's nutritarian success stories...
Raw Wonder: A Fall Harvest Soup You've Got To Make
This perfect soup is filled to the brim with avocado, marinated mushrooms and heirloom tomatoes - a dream in a bowl. It's hard to believe it's raw!...
Superfood Spotlight: Rice Bran Solubles
Don't overlook this amazing super-powder just because it has a boring name! We're making solubles our new multi-vitamin...
Self-Care 101: Empowering Advice From a Life Coach
A welcome reminder that caring for ourselves helps us care for everything - and everyone - else!
My Shopping List: Grocery Shopping with Dr. Christy Garner
Ever wondered what a nutritionist puts in their grocery cart? Read the shopping lists of top health experts with our new feature...
The Simplest Health Tip Ever: Drink Your Breakfast
We love juice and smoothies in morning. Find out how switching to a liquid breakfast can deeply influence your health...
Superfood Spotlight: Carob
We've covered chocolate from every possible angle. And we don't plan on stopping. Welcome carob to our spotlit superfamily!
In the Kitchen with Coco: Gluten-Free Baking And A Fall Cake Recipe
We're baking up a storm in the kitchen with Coco! Try this fall cake recipe that you'll want to make year after year...
Smoothie Solutions: Crave-Worthy Pumpkin Spice Smoothie
Embrace the season with this pumpkin spice smoothie that's gluten-free and rich with natural fall flavors...
Gluten-Free Quinoa Cake
This simple, gluten-free cake makes a healthy everyday snack or easy entertaining nibble that suits everyone!
Meet Our October Guest Editor: Dr Joel Fuhrman of Eat To Live
We're welcoming champion of nutrition and best-selling author, Dr Joel Fuhrman as our October Guest Editor!
Sweet Charity: Grilled Fig Leaf Panna Cotta from Chef Suzanne Goin
We celebrated Alex Lemonade Stand last weekend here in LA and had to have this recipe from one of LA's best chefs and her soon-to-be released cookbook......
The Best Post-Cleanse Recipe Ever: Painted Fruit
We die for this crazy green recipe from Mandy's book Yogalosophy. Whip up this delicious dish for the most fun way to break a cleanse ever!
For the Record: The Truth About Heating Plastic
We're breaking down the facts about which plastics you should be buying and which you should kick to the curb! Read out guide and take some notes fo...
A Recipe From The Michelin-Starred Chef At ABC Cocina
When in New York, do as New Yorkers do and head to ABC Carpet & Home for some heavy shopping and light lunching! We're sharing a recipe from thei...
Superfood Spotlight: White Button Mushrooms
Check out the findings of medical leaders like City of Hope research hospital and their work with plain old button mushrooms!
Toxic Timeout: Phosphoric Acid
Detox your fizzy drinks from this not-so-safe, but oh-so-common ingredient
Simplest Health Tip Ever: Eat Your Cruciferous Vegetables!
Read about one of the easiest health tips you’ll ever hear to radically boost your health...
The Makeunder: A Healthier Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup
We love to find brands like this one who are recreating foods we love sans the chemicals and with added doses of nutritional goodness! Watch the video....
Would you or Wouldn't you: Drink Liquid Light
Would you drink liquid light for its detoxifying effects? We tried it and here's what we've got to say about it...
On The Go: 10 Healthy Snacks That Fit In A Mason Jar
Win this giveaway: we love these healthful snack ideas all made easier by this simple snack contraption made just for mason jars!
Health At All Costs: The Best Natural Iodine at Every Price
Make sea vegetables a part of your regular diet with one of our three high-to-low picks for natural sources of iodine!
Superfood Spotlight: Thyme
Love to cook with herbs? Check out our spotlight on one of every foodie's faves and read more about it's health-boosting benefits!
Smoothie Solutions: Calming Chamomile Smoothie
Calm down! We're chilling out with this easy recipe for a nutritious, herbal tea-based smoothie.
From our friends
Food and Nutrition
Learn about holistic nutrition and get in the kitchen
with chefs and foodies we adore. Enjoy clean recipes that are simple to
execute, plus kitchen tips to make life easier.