Katie Horwitch On How To Shift Your Internal Dialogue (And Why It's So Damn Hard)
How we speak to ourselves matters. Author Katie Horwitch will teach you to master the skill of empowered internal dialogue...
What The Heck Are Nootropics? Everything You Need To Know
From caffeine to LSD (shocked?) we're talking with Bulletproof's Dave Asprey all about brain-enhancing drugs known as nootropics
What Is The Fawn Response? An Insightful Excerpt From Ashley Neese's New Book
The key to recovering from people pleasing habits may lie in a little-discussed stress response. We explore the Fawn Response with Ashley Neese's new boo...
I’m Not a Mourning Person: Kris Carr On What Not To Say To A Grieving Friend
I’m Not a Mourning Person author Kris Carr shares what not to say when someone in your life is grieving...
Celebs Are Obsessed with Lymphatic Drainage Massages – Here's How To Try It At Home
Your lymphatic system is your first line of defense before all other issues begin to arise; all the more reason to give it the attention it deserves.
...Let's Talk About Coffee Enemas: A Naturopathic Doctor Tells Us Everything
Let's talk about coffee enemas. Why do people swear by this home wellness ritual? We'll talk to a doc about the benefits and what to know if you're tryin...
Late Summer Is A Fifth Season According To East Asian Medicine
Late Summer is the fifth season - a poetic interlude of plumpness between the third week of August and the autumn equinox
Superfood, Supermodel: 20 Reasons Elle Macpherson Looks This Good In A Bikini
Want to know how "The Body" stays in shape year after year? So did we! Here's what beauty Elle Macpherson has to say about living well for life...
...Sofia Richie + Miranda Kerr's Trainer Megan Roup On Healthy Wedding Prep
Celeb trainer to Sofia Richie and Miranda Kerr, Megan Roup takes a mindful approach to wedding prep with these key tips for brides
The Ultimate Hot Girl Walks Uniform In 3 Easy Pieces
Are you walking every day? Here's the hot girls walks uniform that's keeping us cool and helping us take it easy...
The Fascinating Practice of Craniosacral Therapy – Can It Help Us Heal?
Discover the amazing healing modality called craniosacral therapy and why it's due for a major wellness moment.
Take Your Manifestation Practice To The Next Level With The Alignmode App
Looking to level up your meditation practice? This new app focuses on specific manifestations and setting intentions
How Healthy Are Your Social Media Habits? 8 Tips To Upgrade Your Digital Wellness
Unpacking the good and the bad of social media—and how to create healthy habits—with Greg Lozano of Grow Therapy
5 Notable Health Studies Going On Now (And What They'll Mean For The Future)
Science journalist, podcaster and best-selling author, Max Lugavere shares the wellness research he's following now
Nutritionist Serena Poon Reveals Her 11 Most Important Wellness Habits
Longevity pro and holistic nutritionist Serena Poon helps us cut through the wellness noise and ground in the basics
I Tried Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy At Two Of L.A.’s Premier Wellness Spas. Here’s What I Learned
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy might seem very LA, but in study after study, I quickly discovered that HBOT has been used as a healing modality for centurie...
10 Meaningful New Books To Tote To the Beach This Summer
Here are ten meaningful summer reads worth reading while you soak up the sun this summer. Hone your mindset, relationships and wellness habits with on...
Tracee Stanley Debunks 5 Myths About Rest – Bye, Grind Culture
Sleep and rest are not the same thing. Author Tracee Stanley shares five myths that keep us from the rest our minds and bodies so desperately need thes...
16 Healthy Father's Day Gifts For Your Dad's Well-Being
Take care of him like he took care of you with our ultimate list of wellness gifts any father, husband or father-figure will love
Learning To Let Go: How To Practice Yoga Nidra For Deeper Relaxation
Turn in, let go, feel better. We're learning about how yoga nidra cultivates relaxation on a uniquely deep level, and picking up an easy practice to ge...
Art Therapy: 8 Ways to Use Art to Improve Your Mental Health
Art therapy can support our mental health in so many ways. Art educator Berry Stein of Art Life Practice shares advice on bringing the benefits of ar...
We Tried It: Can Wearable Tech Help You Sleep Better + Fight Stress?
Whether to measure your blood sugar or your steps, do you wear any wellness tech every day? We tried the Apollo and now we can't take it off. Here's why.....
The Way App Has Changed Our Relationship With Food (Diet Culture, Be Damned)
We tried it: Goodbye diet culture, hello healthy eating habits with the latest in health tech from the team of dieticians at Way
What Do Healthy Emotions Look Like In the Workplace? An Exercise From Danielle Leporte
The author of How To Be Loving shares a heart-centered exercise designed to help you release self-imposed judgement around emotions at work
How I Transformed From Just One Day Of Panchakarma At Surya Spa
When we tell you this is the best massage in the city. Here's what one day of panchakarma at Surya is like. Inside the celeb-loved Ayurvedic spa
What Moms Really Want For Mother’s Day (Hint: It’s Not Flowers)
Sarah Ezrin, author of The Yoga Of Parenting caught up with busy moms like herself who really only want one thing this Mother's Day (and every day)
8 Wellness Changemakers On How They Prioritize Well-being While Parenting
In honor of Mother's Day, we asked these inspiring women in wellness how they approach motherhood with mindfulness
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