I Took Seed's Probiotics For One Month – Here's How My Gut Health Changed
I tried Seed Daily Synbiotic, and here's what happened. (Hint: never felt better.)
The Warm Up: 6 Perfect Jackets For A Walk Outdoors
We're drooling over all six of these cold-weather fitnesswear picks. Warm up for your winter workouts in style
How Fitness Changed In 2020 + 8 Fitness Trends To Expect In 2021
It's our 2021 fitness trend report with NYC's top yogis. How has fitness changed for you in 2020? How do think you'll be working out in 2021?
How to Make Your Own Mala Beads – A Step-by-Step DIY Guide
Make your own Mala Beads with this simple, intentional DIY from the founder of Blooming Lotus Jewelry
All About The Full Moon in Cancer December 2020
Full moon in Cancer 2020 - Get quiet and look within yourself. Are there certain messages or intuitive nudges you have been ignoring or overlooking
5 Stages To Discover Your Dharma with Author Sahara Rose
Like so many wellness experts we know this year, Ayurvedic expert Sahara Rose is taking her message deeper than ever before
How To Make Dry Shampoo At Home with Arrowroot + Lavender
As devotees of the quick workout and even quicker beauty routine, we've been looking for DIY dry shampoo that actually works..
Here's What Life is Really Like On Patina Farm In Ojai California
When a day doesn't go by without some kisses from a baby goat, you know you're doing something right. Take a peek into Ojai's idyllic Patina Farm
What's Your Story: Journaling Through the End of 2020
Rebecca Walker and Lily Diamond are the authors of What’s Your Story: A Journal for Everyday Evolution. They stand at the ready, hoping to equi...
This Is Your Brain On Psychobiotics: Can You Optimize Your Mood with Bacteria?
How's your mood? And how's your diet? Is it possible the two are linked? Trust gut health vet, Donna Gates shares just how to eat and supplement to suppor...
Welcome To Your Crisis: How Jen Aniston's Intuitive Is Helping Us Deal
The following are descriptions of each crisis reaction style. When you “lose it,” which type are you
Lymphatic Self Massage In Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and one of our key values at this time is prevention. Walk through Lisa Levitt Gainsley's simple self-massag...
How To Tell The Difference Between Anxiety And Intuition (They're Not the Same Thing)
Intuition is immediate, actionable, and accurate. It provides solutions, not problems. If the problem doesn’t have a solution, your subconscious wil...
Cortisol 101: How To Control Our Stress From The Inside Out
Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, is one of the most influential compounds the body produces. Here's how to keep it in check
The Best Workout Ever with Beyonce's Choreographer Kiira Harper
Choreographer Kiira Harper has designed shows for Beyonce, Lizzo and Drake and her online dance workouts are everything we need to stay inspired to brea...
This Functional Medicine Doctor Wants To Save Your Tatas
According to this functional medicine pro, following these simple lifestyle guidelines are the most important step you can take in breast cancer prevention...
The Easiest Way To Start A Yoga Practice (For Real This Time)
Meet the him and her behind Yoga Wake Up, the app designed to remove every obstacle between you and a simplified daily yoga routine...
3 Bad Posture Habits + How to Correct Them For Good
Whether it's the way you drive or how you hold your phone, bad posture habits can lead to major neck and back pain. Here are the exercises to try that'l...
Does CBD Help Stress? I Tried It For A Week To Calm My Nerves + Here's How I Feel
While I’ve dabbled in meditation and daily exercise, all of the mindfulness in the world hasn’t seemed to eclipse the rapid heartbeat that accompanie...
A Holistic Guide To Your Health During The California Wildfires
The smoke is daunting. There is still so much wellness work to do after the California wildfires. A must read from a knowledgable pro
Watch This – The Full Body Treatment That's Sweeping The Wellness Scene
And we honestly need it more now than ever. Tone your body, release tension and water weight and give yourself the self-care moment you really need.....
Your Super's Kristel de Groot Is On A Mission To Improve Your Period
It’s great that women are so strong that we can feel pain and pretend not to -- I mean, it’s what all of us have been doing in school and work fo...
3 Moves To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor At Home
Whether you're having a baby or are looking to improve your sex life, learning how to exercise your pelvic floor can be a game-changer.
These 5 Steps Will Teach You Everything You Need to Know About Manifestation
All this chatter about "manifestation"? It comes down to a deeply personal decision only you can make for yourself...
The Real Reason Why Your CBD Oil Isn't Working
I was optimistic that CBD oil would be the magical potion that would, once and for all, cure my anxiety...
Hold Everything: Is Your Computer Giving You Sun Damage?
What if all we've done to protect our skin is being canceled out daily? What if it's happening RIGHT NOW as you read this article? We're learning all abou...
Inside The Daily Routine of Dakota Johnson's Trainer (We're Taking Notes)
Trainers are the ones we consistently turn to for guidance and support -- but how do they stay so committed? Celeb trainer Gunnar Peterson on his dail...
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