What’s Happening In The Body When We Dream? A Guide To Lucid Dreaming
What is lucid dreaming? This is what happens in our bodies when we dream, plus herbs and practices to encourage lucid dreams
All About The Full Moon In Aries October 2021
Still in the shadow phase of Mercury Retrograde, here's everything you need to know about Full Moon In Aries October 2021...
How Content Creators Should Respond To Facebook's Latest Report
What does Facebook's latest report mean for content creators? We're challenging our community to be part of the solution for teenagers...
Magic in Madness: Learn To Love Mercury Retrograde
Fear not, little ones, December's mercury retrograde is nothing to dread. Here's how to thrive through
3 Definitive Signs It's Time To Take A Mental Health Day
Self-care news flash: You don't have to be on the verge on a nervous breakdown to deserve a break. Here's how to know if you need to take a mental healt...
The Nighttime Energy Release Rituals You Should Practice Every Evening
Here's the self-care ritual that will help you manage stress better than ever: incorporate nighttime energy release rituals into your wind-down routin...
What Julianne Hough Realized About Emotional Health Before Her Latest Project
We asked Julianne Hough about her new emotionally fueled class offerings at KINRGY and the dancer got real with us...
5 Mindful Ways to Handle Anxiety While Working From Home
Self care doesn't stop when we step into work mode. If anxiety at work is leaving you feeling panic-y each day, these five mindful tools for handling wil...
Ukeireru: The Ancient Japanese Practice of Acceptance As A Way of Life
We're exploring the Japanese idea of ukeireru. "Before you can change a situation, accept it for what it is. Don’t deny it, don’t distract yourself...
I Tried Delta-8 Gummies: Here's What You Should Know
What the heck is Delta-8 and why is it getting so much buzz? I tried it and gathered everything you need to know to experience it right...
What's Your Human Design Type? 7 Reasons You Should Find Out
Do you know your Human Design type? Here are seven life-changing reasons why you should according to Ahram Arya...
What Is Ayurveda? The Ultimate Health Philosophy for Girls That Hate Trends
What is ayurveda? Let's talk about the ancient and holistic health philosophy that'll never go out of style
Happy, Not Perfect: An Interview with Poppy Jamie On Mental Health + Social Media
We're talking social media, mental health and how to create better personal habits to support our well-being with Poppy Jamie
Beating Overwhelm: A 6 Step Process To Manage Your Energy (Not Just Your Time)
"Being busy and staying busy is easy. What’s not always easy is saying no to your old priorities in order to say yes to creating the life you desire....
Pack This Himalayan Salt Inhaler For Better Breathing
We've been obsessing over this essential oil and pink salt inhaler for better breathing. Find out why we love this unusual, but remarkably simple and effectiv...
5 Unexpected Things That Happen To Your Body When You Practice Breathwork
During the debriefing it was discovered that when one participant felt joy, their breath was full and slow and when they felt afraid their breath was fas...
The Most Important Wellness Trend of 2021 Can be Held In Your Hand
When it comes to your health, there's one habit you should be developing over all the rest this year. Here's why it matter and how to move it to the to...
How to Make Your Own Mala Beads – A Step-by-Step DIY Guide
Make your own Mala Beads with this simple, intentional DIY from the founder of Blooming Lotus Jewelry
All About The Full Moon in Cancer December 2020
Full moon in Cancer 2020 - Get quiet and look within yourself. Are there certain messages or intuitive nudges you have been ignoring or overlooking
5 Stages To Discover Your Dharma with Author Sahara Rose
Like so many wellness experts we know this year, Ayurvedic expert Sahara Rose is taking her message deeper than ever before
What's Your Story: Journaling Through the End of 2020
Rebecca Walker and Lily Diamond are the authors of What’s Your Story: A Journal for Everyday Evolution. They stand at the ready, hoping to equi...
This Is Your Brain On Psychobiotics: Can You Optimize Your Mood with Bacteria?
How's your mood? And how's your diet? Is it possible the two are linked? Trust gut health vet, Donna Gates shares just how to eat and supplement to suppor...
Welcome To Your Crisis: How Jen Aniston's Intuitive Is Helping Us Deal
The following are descriptions of each crisis reaction style. When you “lose it,” which type are you
How To Tell The Difference Between Anxiety And Intuition (They're Not the Same Thing)
Intuition is immediate, actionable, and accurate. It provides solutions, not problems. If the problem doesn’t have a solution, your subconscious wil...
Does CBD Help Stress? I Tried It For A Week To Calm My Nerves + Here's How I Feel
While I’ve dabbled in meditation and daily exercise, all of the mindfulness in the world hasn’t seemed to eclipse the rapid heartbeat that accompanie...
Your Super's Kristel de Groot Is On A Mission To Improve Your Period
It’s great that women are so strong that we can feel pain and pretend not to -- I mean, it’s what all of us have been doing in school and work fo...
These 5 Steps Will Teach You Everything You Need to Know About Manifestation
All this chatter about "manifestation"? It comes down to a deeply personal decision only you can make for yourself...
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