Lululemon Just Launched Skincare + Their Post-Workout Gel Is Kinda Genius
READ MOREIf you're going to get into skincare as a fitnesswear brand, this is how you do it. Here are a few of the clever solutions from Lululemon's new Selfcar...
Things Are Looking Up: Inside Dr. Deepika Chopra's Very Optimistic Launch Party
READ MOREPositive psychologist, Dr. Deepika Chopra on the surprising power of optimism and how to harness more of it in daily life with the new, Things Are Lookin...
How to Feel Amazing On Your Wedding Day According To Nutritionist Kelly LeVeque
READ MOREYou've probably prepped for months to look your best, but what about how you want to feel? Discover the ultimate guide to wedding day wellness
The Connection Between Crystals + Your Astrological Sign
READ MOREAs fun as an astrological reading can be, I believe the true purpose of astrology is to get to know ourselves and our souls on a deeper level. Find ou...
Spaghetti Squash Pad Thai – Food You Want For The Life You Crave
READ MOREMake it spicy or make it mild. Nealy Fischer's spaghetti squash pad thai is the perfect plant-based recipe to spice up your evening rotation
A Viral Social Media Message The Wellness Community Needed To Hear
READ MOREThe ease with which we judge others on social media has become the topic of more and more public discussion lately. In wellness, that lack of grace usuall...
6 Ways To Overcome Insomnia According To A Brain Surgeon
READ MOREHigh-quality sleep is essential to a balanced life but are your pre-bedtime habits compromising your ability to be well? This is how to overcome insomni...
4 Plants To Turn Your Bathroom Into A Greenhouse
READ MORESo you filled your living room and home office with plants. Now turn all that plant mom energy on the bathroom and fill it with these top picks
Came Through Dripping: Sweet Potatoes With Tahini Butter Prove Simplicity Is Bliss
READ MOREDrooling for this hyper-simple dish from Where Cooking Begins, a gorgeous new cookbook from Bon Appetit's former food director
Zen Entry: A DIY Moss Bowl That's Chic AF
READ MORENeed a planty project that won't take all weekend? This gorgeous bowl of greens will leave you feeling accomplished and your entryway looking chic fo...
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