Superfood Spotlight: Rice Bran Solubles
READ MOREDon't overlook this amazing super-powder just because it has a boring name! We're making solubles our new multi-vitamin...
The Simplest Health Tip Ever: Drink Your Breakfast
READ MOREWe love juice and smoothies in morning. Find out how switching to a liquid breakfast can deeply influence your health...
The Makeunder: A Healthier Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup
READ MOREWe love to find brands like this one who are recreating foods we love sans the chemicals and with added doses of nutritional goodness! Watch the video....
10 Easy Ideas To Make The Transition To A Healthier Diet
READ MOREIt's the perfect time of year to make a change in your dietary habits. Pencil in a juice cleanse and try a few of these tips to make this transitiona...
Best Of Season: 7 Beauty Foods To Eat This Fall
READ MOREEating seasonally does the body good - and it's great for the skin too! Check out our list of fall's best beauty foods from an all-natural expert......
Eat Drink Love: One Foodie's 10 Hidden Healthy Hotspots
READ MOREEater LA Editor Kat Odell is spilling on her favorite healthy LA eats! Find out where to tune in to catch Kat and her foodie castmates in their ne...
Sweet Inspiration: Preserving Summer Fruit and Other Treats with Valerie Confections
READ MORETake a look at what inspires the woman behind one of LA's sweetest locally-made obsessions...
Green Goddess Guide: La Bella Figura
READ MORETake an inside look at the beauty habits of women at the heart of the natural beauty industry!
My Favorites with Natalia Rose
READ MOREA few of our wellness guru Natalia's favorite things: from raw snacks to the music that makes her melt!
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