

Best Of Season: 7 Beauty Foods To Eat This Fall

Annee de Mamiel is a a registered acupuncturist, certified practitioner of both traditional Chinese medicine and traditional herbal medicine, and formally educated in oriental aromatherapy. Her bespoke line of facial oils, therapeutic beauty teas and seasonal oils are something like natural wonders and we couldn’t wait to dive in with de Mamiel to plumb the depths of her health and beauty wisdom.

Although Annee did have mysteries to share with us, we found this classically autumnal list of beauty-boosting foods to be a completely accessible tool to guide readers through the fall! We’ll be sharing more in-depth insights from Annee soon, but, until then, bookmark this list of fall’s best foods for optimal health and glowing skin through this transitional season! Here’s Annee on why eating seasonally matters…

Did you know that foods allowed to ripen in their natural growing environment, and that have more time there in the sun, actually have more optimal flavor and higher levels of antioxidants? The natural cycle of produce is perfectly designed to support our health – it facilitates the body’s natural healing process.

Ancient Chinese believed that we should live in harmony with the natural cycles of our environment. Each seasons has specific rhythms, and deals with rejuvenation in a specific context. This rejuvenation occurs at every level of our being from cellular to a metaphysical and emotional level. Many of the foods that grow during each of these seasons – watermelon in summer, root vegetable in winter – are especially suitable to support us through each of the seasons’ cycles.

To choose the best foods in autumn, go for seasonal, local, organic food and begin to focus on the heartier varieties. If you’re lacking inspiration, go for color and variety – look outside for inspiration. Just as the leaves turn brilliant orange, red, and yellow, so too should your diet. These colors are best represented in the roots, tubers and squashes, which tend to be loaded with beta-carotene, and are nourishing, moistening and ultimately enhancing for your complexion.

7 health and beauty-boosting foods to eat this fall

Beetroot: Clears congestion and is a great vegetable for promoting better circulation.

Brussel Sprouts: Loaded with vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin C and folic acid, this vegetable packs a strong anti-aging punch. The cabbage family is important for intestinal cleansing, and according to TCM, is important for blood purifying – two areas that are important for healthy looking skin.

Apples: Have a moistening effect on the lungs; a great addition to the diet for those of you with a lot of dryness.

Pears: This fruit is notorious for it’s ability to generate fluids, fiber rich.

Pumpkin/Butternut Squash: High in the beta-carotenes and a good source of C, also great for reducing sweet cravings.

Broccoli: Loaded with vitamin C, beta-carotene and has anti-oxidant power. This green food is a must throughout the autumn and winter!

Other great autumnal foods to add in moderate amounts: Onion, garlic, ginger, horseradish, and mustard are beneficial to the lungs. Brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, bulgar wheat, chlorophyll and fiber-rich foods for the large intestine such as spirulina, barley grass, wheat grass,  kale, parsley, and collard greens. Herbs, spices, condiments, oils, such as cinnamon, thyme, turmeric, and honey are great too.

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