

Laura Bushnell: Author, Visionary, Speaker

Laura Bushnell is a true visionary. This author of Life Magic and other popular titles has made a name for herself over the past 35 years as an intuitive, guide and speaker with a real visionary power. And while she has psychic abilities that will make event he most ardent non-believe think twice, it is her deeply human ability to listen and observe that strikes you as much as her otherworldly talents. So, we sat down with Laura so she could explain more about her career, her passions, and the best advice she’s ever been given.

The Chalkboard Mag: How would you describe your profession and the work that you do?
Laura Bushnell: “It has never been easy to describe the work I do. My work is in mothering others. It is never stagnant but a moving, flowing body of work. What I do is the most natural thing I do in my life because it involves no thought. Some have called me a modern day mystic. That resonates with me. I have been using my intuitive visionary powers all my life but professionally over 40 years. I bring an energy of mothering and healing to those who need that.”

TCM: Can you explain to us what ‘life magic’ is and what it means to you?
LB: “Life Magic is a book that I wrote in 2006 and it still is vary valid for living a life during these current times of unease. We all want to create a life that is graceful and meaningful. I remind people to play, to not take themselves too seriously. I remind them to pray and to listen to the angels. I remind them to bless their food and dance their dance. To breathe, to feel and to celebrate. It is all that I incorporate in my life and all that I share with my clients. This book was written after 30 years of clients. I would probably add a few things now and maybe edit a few things but for the most part, the seven steps that I outline are very powerful for where we stand today in our lives. I also have a program called Life Magick (the K is the Key to creating your life path) – it is one of my more favorite programs. It is a 108 day program to accelerate your life. It’s like a tonic to the soul.”

TCM: How did you know that this was the right path for you professionally?
LB: “I have been guided by the Virgin since a young girl. it started with apparitions from a young age that continue to come to me. I have never thought my gifts were any more than any one else’s and I know that is not true now. I was always healing animals and listening to voices in the wind. I feel very blessed that I did not have any religion as a child because it kept me innocent and open. I had a very difficult childhood and that opened many sensory doors for me. It has been a calling, not a job. How could a girl from Cottonwood, Idaho conceive of living a life as a mystic? It was not a job possibility when I grew up!”

TCM: It seems like many people seek out your services who are going through change in their lives. what is your best advice for people going through times of transition?
LB: “People come to me because they are going through transitions and making changes. They feel stuck in their lives and want to create a more loving, abundant, peaceful life. I believe we can all do that. The best advice I received was that Energy follows thought – that is key to living a life of grace. The other advice was that this too shall pass. I think it is easy to get caught up in the drama and forget that we are loved and protected by God, Goddess, all that is. Some practical tips: wake up and allow your organs to smile. Feel the love around you and count your blessings. Do a random act of kindness. Give something you love away – that is the yoga of the soul. Stretch yourself each day.

My own life experience has covered so many areas of life that it is very rare that someone comes to me with something I have not learned about. I teach from experience and wisdom. I am always learning and listening and being guided. It is not always easy, but it is who I am. My current work is on signs, symbols, seasons and sounds, which I feel are the ways of the feminine energy. I feel it is very important to learn to trust yourself. My greatest joy is when someone I am working with no longer needs my guidance! I want to empower people to quite their own mind find the answers the always have. Our body is a perfect communication device.”

TCM: What role does spirituality play in your life?
LB: “Spirituality is my life. I am just learning to really embody myself. I often meet people who are afraid of spirituality because they they do not understand it . We often fear what we do not understand. To me, spirituality is a relationship with myself. People are often surprised at how how normal I am – they are often very interested because everyone wants more peace. Baby steps. Start breathing and then you will begin to receive.

TCM: What would you say to people who are intimidated by and resistant to welcoming spirituality into their lives?
LB: “If people are resistant, they will not be meeting me or reading this. If they have a tiny bit of curiosity, they will find themselves. One candle lights up a dark room. I have even co-founded a foundation, EarthHeart Foundation, to bring mothers together for social change.”

TCM: You have a beautiful home/work space with an incredible energy. Are there any relics that are of particular importance to you personally that you can share with us?
LB: “I have a very sacred collection of holy relics that have come to me over the last ten years. I do not know why, but somehow I have been blessed with them. I have a collection of the feminine saints and martyrs. When I do my meditation services during the year, I always feature one of them for prayer. They are not something that I talk about a lot. I use them for personal prayer and for healing and prayer work that I do for others. They bring an energy to my work. I feel very close to the saints, whose hair and bones I have. They are also sacred art and bring beauty in their containers. The love that the nuns who joined with artisans of the late 19th century have put into each one is remarkable. I do not care if they are authentic – my feeling not growing up Catholic is that they have had so much prayer put into them that they have a presence in themselves.

I think it is important to suround yourself with things that you love. I like crystals, stones, candles and such. I believe the four elements are important to have in your space. The Earth, the Air, the Water, the Fire – which can be crystals, candles, incense, water (fountain). It does not matter what is in your space if you do not love it and honor it as sacred to you. To meditate and pray in any space makes it beautiful and peaceful.

When my youngest son was born, I met a lovely woman who lived in East Palo Alto and she was very poor but I loved going to her home – despite my fear sometimes of getting there. She made the most beautiful space in a very dilapidated building because she put so much love and prayer in it. One of my teachers told me that if I could not meditate in Kmart,  I could not meditate. I never forgot that.”

TCM: Do you have any tips for creating meaningful and peaceful spaces?
LB: “Fill it with your love and light. Only put things in your space that make you feel happy, joyful, powerful and alive. I always have Buddhas as well as icons of the Virgin. Religion is small fence around a great and glorious idea. I love to surround myself with the idea. I feel God as I walk on the earth, as I talk to people, as I garden, as I look at the clouds and as I hold a child.”

TCM: What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
LB: “I sat by the bed of a client who as dying of cancer and as he passed, he smiled. I knew that this body is only a vehicle for a huge spirit. I will never forget the peace in the room that day.”

If you are interested in learning more or hearing Laura speak, be sure to check out her next workshop this October in Sweden!


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