Booking a workout is easy. Figuring out when to wash and dry your hair is not. Learning how to fake a shower between spin classes and friend dates is a total art.
Planning our sweat schedule has everything to do with how we manage our dinner plans, blowouts and work commitments. We can’t recommend that you to slink straight from a treadmill class to date night without a shower, but when your schedule calls for it, here’s how to fake a shower on the sly…

ursa major skin wipes | If you’re sprinting out of a studio or getting your fit on outdoors, be sure to stash one of these Ursa Major wipes in your bag. These bamboo wipes are paraben-free, fragrance-free, cruelty-free and don’t contain any petrochemicals, sulfates, synthetic fragrance or color. They cleanse, tone and leave skin feeling post-shower fresh. Sometimes all you need to feel ready to go after a workout is a quick facial wipe down. CHECK OUT
M-61 PowerGlow Peel | Leave the gym with more than just your typical post-cardio glow. These exfoliating wipes are loaded with glycolic and salicylic acids to help strip away dead skin while chamomile and lavender jump in to soothe. The result is a full-on facial effect that only took a minute to achieve – literally. CHECK OUT

Skin Worship skin cleansing gel | This light, but deeply hydrating gel acts like a waterless cleanser. It penetrates deeply through the top layers of the skin to support its natural moisture barrier and reduce inflammation without clogging pores or feeling gross. CHECK OUT