

Drinkable Wellness: Basil Kiwi Smoothie

Green your day with this vibrant kiwi smoothie with accents of fresh basil and banana. Kiwis are rich in vitamin C and will leave you feeling perky and energized. The hint of basil gives this sip a sophisticated flavor reminiscent of summertime.

If you are a kiwi lover like me, you’ll love this green smoothie! And here’s a tip to infuse even more green goodness in this smoothie – add in a handful of spinach or kale and a splash of water or apple juice for easier blending. More greens. More fiber. More green goodness to energize your day.

Kiwi Basil Smoothie Recipe

  • 3 frozen kiwis (freeze in small cubes for easy blending.)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup juice (Try grapefruit juice or my favorite, a Pressed Juicery Green Juice!)
  • 1 Tbsp agave syrup
  • small handful of fresh basil
  • handful of ice cubes
  • optional: handful of greens (kale, spinach, watercress + splash of liquid as needed)

Blend. Pour. Serve!

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