

This time last week you were sprawled out poolside, sunbathing in a bikini you worked hard to look bomb in, kicking back tacos and margs like it was your job. And this week … it shows. 

Bouncing back from vacation weight gain is easier than you’d expect. That is, according to functional medicine pro Dr. Josh Axe who is showing us how to get back on track below. Share this with your pool buddy…

The vacation diet… We’ve all been there. It’s totally common for all caution to be thrown to the wind while you’re vacationing, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I think that if you work hard, you should absolutely plan a trip to rest, relax, and treat yourself. Just know that while you’re certainly going to return home feeling completely rejuvenated, you’re also likely to feel bloated and a few pounds heavier.

The good news is that it’s not hard to lose weight quickly and safely if you follow this 3-step plan to bounce back after gaining weight on vacation.

Step 1. Focus on the Right Foods.

Returning from vacation is the perfect opportunity to start fresh on your diet and make sure you’re consuming only the right foods. In general, you’ll want to be eating a diet of mainly low-carb foods including wild-caught fish, eggs, full-fat, unsweetened yogurt and kefir, nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables.

Avocados and coconuts are some low-carb foods that may bring back memories of a recent tropical vacation, but they are also excellent for fast weight loss. Diets that are both lower in carbohydrates (especially high-glycemic, refined carbs) yet are higher in healthy fats (such as those from avocados and coconuts) are known to accelerate weight loss. Research has even shown that avocado consumers tend to have a lower body weight, BMI and waist circumference.

So don’t assume that more dietary fat equals more fat on your hips, because the opposite is actually true. Fats are what help us feel full, so when we’re getting plenty of good fats in our diet, we actually increase satiety hormones and are less likely to overeat. We’re also more likely to feel fuller longer, which means we’re less likely to snack in between meals.

Step 2. Make Meals at Home.

Now that you know about the benefits of avocados and other healthy low-carb, high fat foods, your next best bet if you want to lose weight fast is to be in complete control of what you eat. This means eating out as little as possible. Even when you think you’re ordering a “healthy” meal, you rarely know exactly what goes into restaurant food. On the contrary, when you cook all, or around 90 percent, of your meals at home, you not only decide what you’re eating, but you also decide how much. Since portion sizes can definitely have a huge effect on your waistline, eating at home is probably the easiest and most significant way to impact your weight loss. At home, you can ensure that you are eating the right foods in the right amounts. Discover a few amazing recipes here.

Step 3. Don’t Just Exercise; Exercise With Weights.

Another top reason why people tend to gain weight while enjoying their vacay is that they derail from their usual exercise routines. Combine a less healthy, higher-calorie diet with a lack of physical activity, and you certainly have a recipe for weight gain. But once you get back home, getting back in the gym isn’t enough. If you want to shed those vacation pounds quickly, you need to maximize your workouts for optimal fat loss.

Since exercising with weights keeps your metabolism stoked long after your gym session—in addition to helping to shave inches off your body—strength training may be one of the fastest ways to lose weight. In fact, research has shown that weight training may be even more beneficial for reducing belly fat than aerobic exercise. And the best news? The lean muscle mass you build from strength training will turn your body into a fat burning machine, even at rest. Remember, muscle burns more calories than fat.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

Find more functional tips for living well from Dr. Axe here!

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