

Mandy is one of hollywood’s worst-kept fitness secrets – – When you’re responsible for half of People’s ‘Most Beautiful People’ list – bodies like Jennifer Aniston’s (whom Mandy recently prepped for her current scantily-clad Big Screen appearance) and Kate Beckinsdale’s – it’s not long before the word spreads and the session requests start pouring in. One thing you’ll notice first in a session with Mandy, is just how incredible her body truly is! Like most yogis of her caliber, Mandy is the real deal and walks the talk, and we love that her passion for vibrant health goes beyond the mat!

In our exclusive juice cleanse with Mandy, offered for a limited time at Pressed Juicery here, we’re offering Mandy’s favorite juices, plus her new book, Yogalosophy, that lays out her own personal plans for vital mind-body health over a 28-day period. Part of Mandy’s mind-body values include seasonal detoxification – taking a little time out each fall and spring. Read Mandy’s own detox diary below full of tips for mental strength and physical balance. Then take a look at the Yogalosophy Cleanse for yourself. Join in on all the good, clean fun and share your detox diary experiences by hashtagging along with us using #detoxdiaries.  Join our community of cleansers and see how everyone else is doing it!

Detox Diaries with Yogi Mandy Ingber

clean slate – my Cleansing motivation: It’s great to give your system a break and to recalibrate by simplifying your diet. I reboot my diet twice a year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall. With the season change during the milder weather, it’s very natural to shift gears with a short cleanse. With a short juice fast, or simply by eliminating sugar with more of a focus on fruits and vegetables, I help my body rejuvenate and bring more consciousness to my diet. I love a Fall cleanse, because after all of the celebration and enjoyment and expansiveness of Summer, it allows me to move forward into the end of the year with more clarity and intention towards my goals.

Finding time – making detoxification a priority: I like to set a start date to get myself motivated. I give myself a clear intention, set aside some time and space. Once I’ve set my dates, I try not to over-schedule myself and leave plenty of “me” time in the mix. Since my groceries and meal planning are basically taken care of for that time period, I am able to just let go and focus inward. For each cleanse, I keep a daily journal which includes a gratitude list and make plans to move my body for an hour daily. How I plan to start my cleanse is key, but how I come off of the cleanse is just as important.

Detox Diary – Day 1:

Set an intention for yourself. Setting intentions are key for a great yoga session and the same is true for a cleanse day. Focus on a specific meditation; “align my heart, mind, body and spirit” or “be easy on myself”. Set an intention that will heighten your experience and encourage you to be extra good to yourself.

Take a nature walk. Nothing is more nurturing than getting out in nature. Since you won’t be going out for dinner or going grocery shopping, you’ll have a little extra time on your hands. Get outside and appreciate the elements of nature.

Detox Diary – Day 2:
Take a morning meditation. 20 minutes of sitting with mindful breathing will cleanse your mind of all the thoughts that may be whirring. If you need help, I love the song “Storm of Prayers “ by Shaman’s Dream. It is 11 minutes long so you can play it on a loop in the background.

Schedule a massage. Being touched is another way we can experience our physical bodies. I love to have someone move the energy through my body. It’s a wonderful supportive action. You deserve it. If you dislike massage, schedule a beauty treatment you enjoy.

Detox Diary – Day 3:
Hit the sauna. 20 minutes in a sauna will help you sweat it out without having to exert yourself. A traditional sauna is great, but I highly recommend an infrared sauna, which is designed to heat you up internally rather than externally. The benefits and calorie burn during an infrared session are similar to that of a cardio class. And all you have to do is sit and sweat!

Write about your experience. Make a short list of what you did well, and what you are grateful for. It’s amazing what writing down a list of things you’re grateful for – no matter how simple – will do to expand your attitude.

A Clean Break – Winding down:
Remember that transitioning out of a cleanse is most important. In preparation, I avoid processed and animal foods for 3-5 days prior to my start date, and when I’m post-cleanse, I begin with fresh fruits and then add vegetable soups and vegetables gradually over the next 2-3 days. Who knows, your palate may be more sensitive – sometimes the simplest foods taste like heaven after a few days of detoxifying.

Enjoy your cleanse experience! You owe it to yourself.

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Announcing our first yogi Guest Editor just in time for National Yoga Month! Meet celebrity yogi Mandy Ingber and check out all we have in store for you this month...

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