

Susy Schieffelin of The Copper Vessel is a Los Angeles-based sound healer, reiki master, yoga and meditation teacher. Inspired by her own healing journey, she uses these modalities to help others transform their lives and find healing from within.

Tonight is the last full moon of the decade. We asked Susy, who leads many deeply restorative sound bath ceremonies, healing rituals and workshops to walk us through what’s going on…

Have you been feeling overwhelmed or indecisive? Tired or in need of some extra rest? Have you experienced a sudden desire to clean out your closets, do a cleanse or release relationships that are no longer serving you?

On Wednesday 12/11 at 9:12pm PST, Thursday, 12/12 at 12:12am EST, we will experience the last full moon of 2019. This moon is very special, as it is not only the final full moon of the year, but also of the decade. Full moons can always support letting go, releasing and clearing, but this upcoming full moon will be an especially potent time for creating space in your life to welcome the magic of a new decade.

The full moon on December 11/12 falls in the sign of Gemini and will hold a lot of energy around the number 12 (it will be at its fullest at 12:12am on 12/12 and 2019 also happens to be a 12 year (2+0+1+9 = 12). As such, themes around this moon will include completion of cycles, cleansing and clearing, finding balance and harmony in your life, setting and honoring healthy boundaries, and making more time for rest and self-care. This moon will ask you to let go of anything that is heavy, weighing you down, or throwing you off balance. This may include relationships, behaviors, physical items, or habits that are holding you back or taking up unnecessary space in your life.

Now is the time to honor how far you have come this year, how much you have grown this decade, and to let go of anything that no longer aligns with that version of you. If you are open to working with the energy of this full moon, it can offer you a portal to creating space in your life to live radiantly and in alignment with your highest self in 2020.

How To Harness The Power Of The Last Full Moon Of The Decade

SLOW DOWN | This time of year can feel busy. Take this full moon as an opportunity to consciously slow down, pause, and recharge. This moon will ask you to be particularly mindful of your physical well-being. Be sure to get extra rest this week (at least 8 hours per night) and maybe even take a nap or two. You can further support your relaxation by taking a bath with epsom salts or spending an evening at the spa. It is also a good idea to take a look at what you are consuming. Consider doing a 3 to 5 day cleanse, cutting out alcohol, and drinking extra water with lemon this week.

REFLECT | Take time to reflect and write. The full moon is a time when you will be invited to reflect on how far you have come and how much abundance you have already manifested in your life. Shifting into a mindset of gratitude will help you attract more positivity and abundance in the new year.

Journal prompt: Make a gratitude list. Look back on the year and the decade and write down the top 10 things that you are grateful for.

RELEASE | As you prepare for 2020 and the new decade to come, what are you ready to leave behind? Consider this physically, emotionally and energetically. Now is a great time to clean out your closets. What items do you no longer use, carry an emotional charge, or are simply taking up space in your life? Put together a bag of items to donate to your local homeless shelter and help others in need to stay warm during the holiday season. Emotionally and energetically, what are you ready to let go of? What habits, behaviors, relationships, or ways of doing things no longer work for you? How can you create conscious habits and practices that align with your highest self?

Journal prompt: Make a list of 5 things you are leaving behind as you move into the new decade.

last full moon 2019

CONNECT WITH COMMUNITY | There are many ways to honor the full moon with friends and family. Our intentions grow stronger when we share them with others. This is a wonderful time to get together with your loved ones and speak your intentions out loud. Attending a healing event like a sound bath is another great way to rest, recharge, connect with community and amplify your intentions. Take this full moon as an opportunity to consciously honor yourself and decide how you would like to build your tribe for 2020 and the decade to come.

Journal prompt: Make a list of 3 people you are excited to have on your “team” in 2020. Write a letter to each of them expressing gratitude for the love and support they bring into your life.

BE KIND TO YOURSELF | Things can feel intense around full moons, especially lunar events that carry an especially strong energy of release and letting go. During this time it is important to feel and honor your feelings. Get in touch with what you need and allow yourself to communicate these needs clearly and honestly to the people in your life. Speak kindly to yourself, always asking  “what would love do?” Is there anything you need to forgive yourself for as you prepare for 2020? Write it down. Meditate on forgiveness and be kind. You have made it through another decade. You are doing great!

Journal prompt: Write a list of 5 things that you love about yourself and look forward to further cultivating in 2020.

It is important that whichever rituals you select speaks to you. There are so many ways to harness the energy of the moon to help you walk into 2020 with radiance and purpose. I want you to feel free to use these tools to create a full moon ritual that is unique and powerful for you.

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