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Power Down: 8 Superfood-Packed Post-Workout Snacks
Mix It Up: Colostrum Powder

The most interesting thing in our gym bag may very well be a shaker filled with...colostrum powder. Before you raise your eyebrows, note that this superfood pretty much does it all: aids in muscle recovery after strenuous exercise, keeps your immune system in tip-top shape, enhances stamina in athletic performance, regulates hormones, and keeps your digestive flora healthy as can be. We've been adding this dairy-based powder by Symbiotics to our smoothies, water, even green juice for a couple months now and can already notice a difference in muscle definition and overall energy. TCM stamp of approval, earned. 



best pre workout and post workout snacks

You already know to guzzle coconut water for electrolytes after a long run and pump up the protein after lifting those weights. But when it comes to pre and post-workout snacks, we often forget just how many superfoods there are that can keep us fit and fabulous long after we leave the gym. Looking to shake up your stash of workout-friendly foods? Here are some pre and post workout snacks that contain unique ingredients to get you up and running – then fuel the burn all throughout your day!

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