

From his seasonally inspired monthly tasting menus at LA’s Maude (where there’s never not a waiting list) to his best-selling cookbooks, we love Curtis’ thoughtful but unpretentious approach to the kitchen. If you’ve ever seen this talented chef starring on shows like Take Home ChefMasterChef and Top Chef Masters — or visited his newest venture, Gwen launched with his brother, Luke (a fire-infused feast) — then you already know what we mean.

Curious about the wellness-leaning ways of this master foodie, we asked Curtis to join a special new interview series here on TCM. In honor of Pressed Juicery’s recent collab with The Movember Foundation — check out the protein-rich almond milk here — we’re interviewing inspiring men, founders, athletes and moguls about their healthiest habits.

In addition to lighting foodie hearts on fire, every year Curtis pledges to #Commit2One main cause and nonprofit organization that is championing that cause. This year, he and his team are supporting the fight against homelessness in LA through Chrysalis, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping economically disadvantaged and homeless individuals become self-sufficient through jobs.

Get to know Cutis Stone below, then race over to Maude and try to snag a res for November’s menu. White truffles are the theme and Curtis is in the kitchen; need we say more?

Most surprising daily ritual:

I do pushups before I get into the shower every morning.

What I typically eat in a day...

A lot. We’re working on the white truffle menu at my restaurant, Maude, that we’ll be serving in November. I’ve been enjoying those lately – perks of the job!

Fave thing to cook for myself:

Grilled cheese sandwich using Gruyère, aged cheddar and Monterey Jack. The trio combines flavor, sharpness and a good melt.

Daily necessity for balance:

Time with my wife, Lindsay. Even if I’m traveling, we get in a FaceTime session.

Best outlet for stress:

Playing soccer with my boys.

Recently inspired by...

Chrysalis, the nonprofit I support, which works to help homeless and low-income men and women get and retain employment.

How I get grounded:

Cleaning the stoves in the kitchen curiously centers me and brings me back.

The most challenging aspect of healthy living...

Being around such great food all the time (said as he eats a spoonful of marscapone…).

My wellness philosophy in a sentence:

Try to be as balanced and natural as you can.

Ingredients in food I avoid:

Artificial colors, processed food and black licorice.

How I boost a low mood...

A double espresso.

Best tip for work-life balance is...

I’m not the best person to ask. I love what I do and am super busy, but work doesn’t really feel like work.

Explore our full Movember interview series here!

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