

LAST YEAR, we kicked off the month of January with Guest Editor Kate Hudson. This year, we’ve been all eyes on Kate’s red carpet cool for the Golden Globes. Kate is a natural beauty, there’s no doubt, but what makes her such a style icon in our eyes is the grounded glow she gives off everywhere she goes.

We’re sharing Kate’s red carpet-slash-green living guidance below and it’s everything you need to know to head in that glowy, but grounded direction yourself. Have an awards show appearance of your own coming up? (We like to believe that Meryl is a closet reader.) Perhaps just a really special date night? Here’s how Kate gets strong, stays calm, and looks amazing…

BUTTER UP: Olio Lusso Body Oil

“Maybe it’s from all the heaters running, but my skin always seems to be driest in winter. I keep moisturized by using rich soufflés and body butters, as well as oils – coconut oil and Rodin Olio Lusso Body Oil.”

TCM editor tip: We’re obsessed with all things Olio Lusso – meet the founder, here

dare to bare: Body-Con Workouts

“If I plan to wear a sleeveless dress, I concentrate more on my arms during my workout the day before. If my outfit includes a short dress, I incorporate more leg moves and squats.”

TCM editor tip: Get more tips from Kate on working out, here

Green Eats: The Alkaline Diet

“I live by a rulebook of eating alkaline – no meat, no dairy, no gluten, I try to stay away from sugar – but I’ll cheat when I want to since I’m a bit of a foodie.”

TCM editor tip: Learn what the alkaline diet is all about, here.

Calm is the new pretty: meditate

“This is a key part of my daily routine, even if it’s just five minutes when I focus and quiet my mind. Typically, I concentrate on a color and set intentions such as clarity, peace, calmness and love. I focus in on these intentions and breathe.”

TCM editor tip: Find out how to start a meditation practice easily, here

Gold, but green: the non-toxic spray tan

 “If I feel like I need a little color, I’ll get a natural spray tan. Not only does this give me a little extra coverage, but it also allows me to achieve the bronzed look I want without the sun damage.”

TCM editor tip: Try our favorite non-toxic sunless brands, here

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Meet our first Guest Editor of 2015, golden girl Kate Hudson. Read all about her New Year's aspirations, find out all about her new company, and then join us all month for insights from this inspiring beauty...

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