

There’s a reason Dr. Frank Lipman is one of the country’s most beloved and well-respected practitioners of functional and integrative medicine. We recently met up with the jovial founder of NYC’s acclaimed wellness center, Eleven Eleven to learn about his latest book How To Be Well and were surprised at the fun practicality of the new book.

How To Be Well reads like a family coffee table book outlining almost every aspect of holistic living that one could imagine. It’s stuffed with hard-core, yet easy-access ideas that wellness newbies and health gurus alike can digest and appreciate. And provides just a glimpse of the bedside manner that’s made Dr. Frank such a valued leader in our space.

To celebrate the book’s launch, we’re sharing this LONG list of Dr Frank-approved breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas. They’re quick, easy, practical and deserve a place in your ‘what’s for dinner’ bookmark list for sure.

Find a few ideas you love and add a liberal dose of herbs, lemon, sea salt and garlic to taste…

Dr. Lipman’s 23 Perfect Plates

Fried or poached eggs + sautéed spinach + sautéed mushrooms + ghee + avocado

Smoothie in a bowl + seeds + berries + cacao nibs + shredded coconut

Full-fat grass-fed yogurt + blueberries + seeds

Scrambled eggs + buckwheat + guacamole + salsa

Paleo bread + avocado + canned wild-salmon salad + sprouts

Egg muffins + diced tomatoes + mixed greens + extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO)

Simple bone broth or vegetable broth soup: broth + greens + diced veggies + diced sweet potato + coconut oil

Chicken thigh + roasted sweet potato + sautéed broccoli rabe + ghee

Smoked salmon + arugula + sliced avocado + sesame seeds + tahini and coconut amino dressing

Broiled wild fish + lemon juice + EVOO + roasted broccoli + cauliflower rice

Lentil daal + sautéed chard + ghee + full-fat yogurt

Lamb burger + steamed dandelion greens with lemon and EVOO + chopped tomatoes + sauerkraut

Turkey or beef meatballs + zucchini noodles + pesto or tomato sauce + EVOO

Chicken salad (using avocado not jar mayo) + chopped romaine lettuce + cherry tomatoes + celery + red onion + hemp seeds + balsamic vinegar + EVOO

Roasted beets + roasted sweet potato + roasted Brussels sprouts + arugula + goat cheese

Collard green wrap: grass-fed beef burger + kimchi + tomato + avocado wrapped in steamed collard greens

Broiled or canned sardines + watercress or arugula + EVOO + lemon + olives + capers + fresh herbs

Veggie quinoa bowl (more veggies/less quinoa): roasted veggies + avocado + pickled veggies

Slow-cooked bean or beef stew made with bone  broth + steamed greens

Sliced grass-fed steak + bed of leafy greens + avocado + portobello mushroom + pumpkin seeds

Roasted turkey + cauliflower mash + sautéed kale + EVOO

Canned sardines, mixed with lemon and EVOO + olives + capers + diced cucumber + bed of arugula

Sushi roll: smoked/canned salmon + avocado + cucumber + scallion + watercress + cauliflower rice + coconut aminos + sesame seeds, wrapped in nori sheet

23 PERFECT PLATES is excerpted from How to be Well by Frank Lipman, MD. Copyright © 2018 by Frank Lipman, MD. Used by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

Learn more from Dr. Lipman – with this guide to surviving food gatherings
and highlights from our Wellness Webinar.

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