

According to Brigid Titgemeier MS RDN, “arthritis and joint pain can be easily reversed with the right nutrition and lifestyle approach.” Do we have your attention?

There’s a catch, says Brigid: “In order to achieve this, you have to be willing to take radical ownership of your health.“

As a functional medicine dietitian Brigid has helped thousands to change their diet and lifestyle in order to improve joint pain and reduce inflammation. Here’s her take on the topic as a whole…

On Arthritis, Joint Pain + Chronic Inflammation

Arthritis and joint pain are manifestations of inflammation. There is no drug or surgery that can resolve long-term inflammation alone — you must also identify and address the root cause.

Chronic inflammation is the driving cause of underlying joint pain and arthritis and both conditions can be reversible for some. This has been my experience in working with thousands of clients and it is my team’s experience in our digital functional nutrition business. My approach entails a deeper look at what’s going on inside the body and then using a ‘food as medicine’ approach.

Is Surgery Necessary To Resolve Arthritis + Joint Pain?

Surgery can be an absolutely life changing option for many. Some people need both nutrition and surgery.

But it is also worth asking: How many surgeries could be prevented by addressing underlying chronic inflammation through food and lifestyle?

The anecdotal experience of my team of dietitians who’ve cumulatively worked with >10,000 clients is: a ton!

From my vantage point as a functional practitioner, it is frustrating to see the number of surgeries that are performed without addressing the root causes of poor nutrition and lifestyle.

Most surgeons don’t discuss inflammation or the dietary changes that can support its reduction. It’s not their area of expertise and, frankly, there is no financial incentive.

A dear friend of mine is an orthopedic surgeon, a joint specialist. I’ve sent him reams of research on inflammation and nutrition changes for joint pain. The other day, he told me flatly “I can’t make money from people changing their diet. I make money operating.”

He’s a great surgeon and I honestly can’t blame him. Our insurance system is set up to pay hundreds of thousands for surgery and hundreds for dietitian counseling (if any at all), but it’s something the average patient isn’t factoring into their decision-making process.

How My Clients Address Arthritis + Chronic Inflammation

Recently, one of my clients shared that she’s no longer having surgery for the arthritis in her wrist. She hasn’t worn her wrist brace in over a month.

Her wrist pain is gone because she changed her diet in a very targeted way in the last 4 months. Here are a few of the key tips she followed to lower her join pain and inflammation.

+ Avoid ultra-processed foods.

+ Improve your fatty acid profile.

+ Identify nutrient deficiencies.

+ Identify personal food triggers.

+ Improve your blood sugar balance.

+ Heal your gut.

+ Limit environmental pollutants.

+ Add turmeric, ginger and other anti-inflammatory spices and herbs.

Currently, society trains us to prioritize the treatment of disease over the creation of health.

Surgery may be a very necessary option for you! But you also deserve to know that nutrition can play an enormous role.

Surgery can cost tens of thousands of dollars, plus the time spent in recovery for 2 weeks, risks of going under anesthesia and 6 weeks not exercising.

Some of my nutrition programs cost thousands of dollars in coaching, testing and personalized planning. Some of my clients instantly see the value and others say it’s too expensive — and insurance often doesn’t cover. Compared to the actual financial cost and physical toll of surgery, these fees are a drop in the bucket.

Understanding your options allows you to make an informed choice with your healthcare team and do what’s best for you.

Tell us what your experience has been in the comments below. And share this post with a friend who could benefit!

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs. 

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