Whether you’re treating a seasonal head cold, coping with a stressful day or you’re just dabbling with mellow vibes when it’s raining outside, chamomile tea almost always does the trick. It turns out the things we all know and love about chamomile—its use as a sleep aid, the way it cuts through anxiety, its ability to soothe menstrual cramps—are just the beginning. Used topically, chamomile is also a heavy-duty beautifier and is even a useful treatment for more serious skin diseases.
The compound bisabolol, which is the primary consistent in German chamomile’s essential oil, is a known treatment for healing topical ailments through its anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties. It also has strong anti-microbial and antiseptic power, which makes it an ideal treatment for rashes, eczema or acne on more sensitive skin types. It comes as no surprise, then, that many of the products on the market that seek to target sensitive skin botanically call upon our friend chamomile to help them out. From toners to eyeliner, shampoo to body oil, chamomile’s soothing and purifying power is laced through each of these selected products.
Eye Treatment
Cleansing Milk
Gentle Shampoo
Eye Makeup
Calming Toner
For Baby
- Facial Mask