Brigid Titgemeier

Author Profile: Brigid Titgemeier MS, RDN

Brigid Titgemeier, MS, RDN, LD, IFNCP is a Functional Medicine Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and health advocate. With a Masters degree in Public Health Nutrition and Board Certification in Integrative and Functional Nutrition, Brigid was a founding dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, under Dr. Mark Hyman.

Throughout her career she has worked with 4,000 clients. She founded the functional nutrition and health consulting business, BeingBrigid Nutrition in 2018 to offer consistent health outcomes for her executive clients by leveraging a data driven personalized nutrition approach, advanced lab testing, education and coaching. She created a graduate course in integrative and functional nutrition with Dr. Stephanie Harris at Case Western Reserve University and co-teaches this course to educate future healthcare practitioners in functional nutrition.

Read our content with Brigid here.