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Best In Season: 12 Kitchen Essentials For Tomato Lovers
Nuñez de Prado Flor de Aceite Organic Olive Oil

No tomato is complete without a drizzle of olive oil - not only does its buttery flavor bring out the sweetest notes of the tomato, but it also enhances its health benefits! The true theraputic potential of the tomato's powerhouse nutrient, lycopene, is only unlocked when paired with a fat, like olive oil. Go for an organic variety like this one by Nuñez de Prado Flor de Aceite: made by the ingenious "flower of the oil" system, this Spanish oil is created by using a small filter to collect oil that olives naturally release by gravity before their first pressing. This creates a unique and intensely flavorful olive oil with aromas of green olives, grass, oranges, lemons, and apples!

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The versatility of the tomato acts as our culinary muse, as we begin to ruminate about the endless ways in which to use this beautiful fruit. From simple Caprese salads and homemade pasta sauces to more decadent tarts and spicy jams, we could be eating tomatoes for days! The glorious season of fresh heirloom tomatoes nears its end and we’re getting in on it as much as we can. Thankfully, tomatoes are a hot item in the beauty world, making their way into scents, creams and masks which will last us into winter! Get your fill before the last fruit is picked…

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