

Zoe Organics gets a score of zero. And that’s a good thing! On our go-to safe beauty product registry, the Skin Deep Cosmetic Database, most of Zoe Organics’ mommy and baby skincare products get the cleanest score available: “zero” toxins. That and the cuteness of their original products (Baby bath tea? Yes, please!) makesZoe Organics a fun line that moms can rely on for baby, belly, and themselves too. It’s easy to neglect self-care when baby is on the way – or has arrived and wreaking havoc on your perfectly organized beauty rituals. That said, self-care is essential and we love these spot-on advice from Zoe Organics’ founder on how to make it a reality between naps and diaper changes…

As a wife, mama of three (ages 2, 5 and 7) and founder/CEO of Zoe Organics, life is very full. After experiencing postpartum anxiety with my third child, I began searching for lifestyle strategies and natural remedies to support my emotional health and well-being. Here are the seven strategies for emotional health and well-being for all moms that I practice regularly. Several have been incorporated into our new product collection of soaks, oils and candles especially for weary moms: Mama’s Ritual.


A ritual can reconnect us with ourselves and ideally, take us out of our task-oriented routine or frantic pace. I have jokingly called these my “mommy timeouts” because when I am torn in so many directions that I can’t think straight the last thing I feel is patient and able to respond to my kids’ demands in a loving way. So to avoid an adult tantrum, I have to create some space between my tasks and other stressors. Through rituals, I can reconnect with joy and creativity and sensitivity. A ritual can be anything from lighting a candle and having quiet time, a cup of tea, a hot bath, aromatherapy or getting outside and watering your plants. It doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective. Just choose one or two things that bring you back to a calm and loving head (and heart) space.


After struggling for months with postpartum anxiety, and feeling generally irritable and “off,” my friend and pediatrician recommended magnesium supplementation. I began taking a magnesium powder by Longevity Science called Magna-Calm and today I swear by it. My magnesium “tea” is one of my favorite daily rituals and it helps with a whole gamut of issues from hormone regulation to better sleep. Magnesium should be required during the birthing and early parenting years, right along with prenatals and folic acid. If you haven’t studied the benefits of magnesium, it’s definitely worth looking into.


Stretch + breathe. I incorporate yoga into my weekly routine and feel like a new woman after time on my mat. The simple act of breathing (really breathing) along with focus, balance, strength and stretching does miraculous things for my emotional wellbeing. It also helps me to focus on the present moment, even if only for a while.


Quality essential oils can have a powerful affect on overall health and wellbeing. It is not a coincidence they are becoming so popular in natural home remedies. Choosing essential oils and knowing how to use them is important too! I began creating calming and uplifting blends to combat anxiety and they have been incorporated into our new Mama’s Ritual collection.


It isn’t news that exercise is good for us. But if medication could be avoided by getting out and sweating, why aren’t more people doing it faithfully? A few key benefits of exercise are increased endorphins, decreased stress hormones and better body image. Need I go on?


Don’t skimp on sleep! It is so tempting to try to pack everything you weren’t able to get done during the day into the hours after the kids go to bed. Before you realize it, it is after midnight and you still have to get up at the crack of dawn with your little ones. Lack of sleep takes a big toll on our bodies and makes us less able to parent from the place we want to, with love, compassion and patience. Most nights I go to bed with my kids and even if I have to wake up for a bad dream or wet bed, I have been able to collectively sleep for at least 8 hours.


Give yourself a break and freedom to have a sense of humor about the chaos. We can’t do it all! If the house is a mess, it’s probably because you’ve been spending your time doing something more meaningful than keeping your house spotless. Check your motives and weigh the cost to benefits of keeping a perfect house, car, schedule, etc.  Chances are, you are a supermom and don’t even know it.


We’re giving away the full Mama’s Ritual collection to one TCM reader! Win the Zoe Organics bath soak, candle and aromatherapy oil that will leave any mother in your life more calm and uplifted. A perfect Mother’s Day gift! To enter, leave us your tip for finding calm as a mom – we’ll select the best reader comment to win our gift set. Good luck!

Open to U.S. residents only. Giveaway closes Monday, 5/5 at 5p.m. PST

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