

The Kerry Gaynor Method is designed to help people stop smoking – in a week or less. Sound too good to be true? You’d think so, until you learn that thousands of people have used the method successfully. Okay, that’s not really moving to a skeptic either. For us, all skepticism about this hypnosis-based addiction program leapt out the window when we found out that one of Pressed Juicery’s own founders, Hedi Gores, used the method to quit smoking herself. Hedi is the picture of natural health, with her finger on the pulse of what’s new in everything from fitness to nutrition, but, like every person reading, had that one area of struggle. To quit smoking is arguably one of the toughest habits to kick.

We asked Kerry Gaynor’s team to tell us a little bit about the method and it’s main tenet which is hypnotherapy. Here’s what Hedi had to say about her own experience with the method: “I saw immediate results after my very first session with Kerry. His approach is easy to understand and yields results that last. The videos were easy to use and I got to do the work in the privacy of my own home which is truly special. Kerry has changed my life and now whenever I use the DVDs or have a session with him I feel deep gratitude for having him in by life and for improving the quality of my life.”

The Kerry Gaynor team thought they’d take this opportunity to debunk a few common myths about hypnotherapy. Read through their list as they shoot down excuses one-by-one, then enter to win the method for yourself or someone you love…

The myth: The hypnotherapist will be able to control your mind/thoughts; you will lose control or surrender your will while under hypnosis.

The reality: The hypnotherapist helps to guide you into the hypnotic state; he or she does not control you or your thoughts during hypnosis. Most people find hypnotherapy and the hypnosis portion in particular to be very relaxing, calming and even enjoyable. Hypnosis is not at all what the movies have led us to know or believe – there is no animal noises, swinging pocket watches, or other bizarre antics.

The myth: There is no evidence that hypnosis actually works.

The Reality: Hypnosis has been used for many decades to treat everything from anxiety disorders to addictions. More and more studies and reports, like this one, are being published that proves it’s effectiveness. In our case, about 85% of the people we tested who used The Kerry Gaynor Method have quit smoking.

The myth: Hypnotherapy is supernatural or “magical”.

The reality: Hypnosis is actually completely natural. Most people experience hypnosis every single day – whether it’s right before they fall asleep or even at your desk when you “zone out” for a moment and snap back.

The myth: Hypnosis is dangerous

The reality: Hypnosis is completely safe and natural. One of the many perks of hypnosis is that there are no negative side effects. You also do not have to rely on any medicines, or things like the patch, gum, etc.

The myth: You will become dependent on the hypnotherapist.

The reality: Because the hypnotist’s job is only to guide you through hypnosis and then out of it you will not become dependent on him because you are in control of yourself from beginning to end.

The Myth: Hypnosis can’t help with physical ailments

The reality: Recently, hypnotherapy has become a highly regarded and more clearly understood method of helping to cure people of physical ailments. Much research is being done on the success of hypnosis in many treatments including those in cancer and terminal illness.

The Myth: Hypnosis is similar to sleeping

the reality: Hypnosis occurs between waking consciousness and sleep. You are not actually asleep during hypnosis. It’s similar to that woozy state you experience when you first wake up in the morning.

Win the method to try yourself:

We’re giving away one full set of The Kerry Gaynor Method DVDs. Within the comfort of your own home, you could be on your way to a smoke-free life in 7 days. Here’s how to enter: Join our newsletter, then leave your comment below about breaking addiction and your own journey toward a more healthy lifestyle. May the best comment win!

Giveaway open to US residents only. Winner announced Monday, April 28 at 5PM PST.

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