

full strawberry moon june 2023

Mariah de La Mer is an author, spiritual ecologist, and multi-modality healing artist. She is the founder of the luxury grounding footwear company ASTARA and best-selling author of Crystal Healing for Women.

SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE… The first full moon since Eclipse Season, Saturday, June 3rd at 8:42pm PST in Sagittarius brings a welcomed softening. With the intensity of April and May Eclipses, a deep restructuring has taken place, and the energy of the Sagittarius archer bow, helps us to honor the clearing that occurred and pay attention to where we are directing our arrow. Jupiter just moved into Taurus for the next year and this is a time of exponential expansion, if we can align and allow it.

Where is your arrow pointing? What is your North Star? We have the wind at our sails with this Full Moon in Sagittarius, but we need to know which way to steer the boat. This Full Moon in Sagittarius is assisting in activating and strengthening our inner navigational tools for continual expansion of our highest potential.

OVERALL THEMES TO EXPLORE…Adventure, Personal Growth, Direction

Sagittarius is the adventurer, philosopher, teacher, seeker, and muse of the zodiac and this fire sign activates the call of adventure and expansion into a new avenue of growth. After the clearing and restructuring that occurred during eclipse season, these next two weeks are allowing us to reorient our bullseye and take actionable steps forward for our personal growth.

These areas of growth may be in career/work, personal relationships or spiritual growth. Allow the activating energy of the element fire to ignite the desire for a new experience in life and to support you in taking the necessary steps in that direction.

Adventure does not always mean the journey is without challenge, in fact, adventure brings new and different experiences into our world so that we can learn about ourselves along the process. Other times, the adventure is leaning into our greatest fears and patterns of the past. It is all a process of growth and creative experience, and Sagittarius/Gemini polarity reminds us to have some fun with the process.

HOW YOU MAY FEEL… Inspired, Reflective, Spontaneous

The Gemini/Sagittarius polarity unites the “higher and lower” minds, allowing the unification of worlds. What is it that you desire to bring into the world and what is needed to birth it forth? Creativity, curiosity and spontaneity are ignited with the fire of Sagittarius so allow yourself to play with the idea of “what else is possible to create” in the creation dream of your life. You may be clearing old patterns, relationships or physical clutter in your life and feeling extra reflective of your journey to this point. Honor your path that has brought you to where you are now. All of it. Take some time to truly acknowledge how far you have come in your own personal journey in both triumphs and challenge. Having gratitude for all you have moved through can help to bring perspective and trust the unknown adventure beckoning you forward.

EXCELLENT TIME TO… Stay open to new and exciting opportunities! Take the time to clear out any physical clutter, emails, things taking up literal physical space, and open up to this new phase. Say ‘yes’ to last minute weekend trips, social events or sign up for that pottery class you’ve been wanting to take. It is a great time to invest energy into your personal growth, be that new physical exercise regimen, learning a new language, scheduling time for your favorite hobby, having difficult conversations that need to clear etc, as this time is all about how you are moving forward with what you have learned, who you are now and all you are growing into.

You get to choose how you show up in the world, who you want to be, and how you want to offer your unique gifts. And remember, the adventure of life gets to be fun.

JOURNALING PROMPT…What is my soul’s North Star? How can I consistently attune to my North Star? Where is adventure calling me in this moment? What am I being called to explore about myself? What has changed since the eclipses?

I am proud of how I handled _______ during the eclipses. What I most learned about myself during eclipse season is ______ . How I am moving forward on my journey now is tuning more into ______ . I am excited to explore more _______ .

My book Crystal Healing for Women has a “Activating Highest Potential” ritual that helps connect you to attune to your true essence and create from a place of truth within.

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