

Type ‘fitness’ into your app store and you may get overwhelmed by 30-day challenges and pages of weight loss programs. Whether you’re looking to tone it up or completely commit to achieving your dream summer bod, there is a fitness app out there to keep you on track — or rather, on the track. We’ve done the leg work (and glute work) for you and found six apps that are worth the price — some of them are even free!

We love these apps because they meet all our requirements for fast-fitness. Each app is quick, convenient, on-demand and provides something tailored for every user. Find one you love…

Nike Run + Training Club | Nike just feels like the authority when it comes to working out, right? Not to mention that the interface is as bold and cool as you would expect it to be. And because one app could never suffice for Nikeheads, they now offer two fitness apps: Run Club and Training Club. Nike Run Club includes a GPS tracker, audio guided runs by athletes and entertainers, custom challenges and personalized coaching plans. Nike Training Club provides access to workouts such as strength training, yoga and mobility led by Nike-approved trainers. Free on iTunes and Google Play

Alo Moves | Alo Yoga has quickly become a yogi favorite thanks in-part to their stylish activewear and hip yoga classes. They’ve also introduced a collection of videos to yogis who seek practice at home, hotel or really anywhere for that matter. Alo Moves, their digital counterpart, allows users to stream videos at their convenience. So you can nama-stay at home. $20/monthly after 14 day-free trial

ClassPass | There are days you count shopping as cardio and there are days you want to crush a cycle class. For the latter, there is ClassPass. The app is a virtual portal into the hottest fitness classes nationwide with access to yoga, pilates, barre, HIIT and even meditation studios. For a flat monthly subscription rate, users can sign up for coveted classes, which are available in most major cities. Pass it on. Memberships start at $29/monthly after 1-month free trial

Sweat by Kayla Itsines | If you’ve been on Instagram anytime over the last four years, you’ve probably heard of fitness influencer Kayla Itsines and her wildly popular BBG and Sweat training programs. The transformative workouts have quickly become a cult classic, boasting a community of over 30 million users. This app is perfect for those looking for variety and support in a workout. Users can choose between post-pregnancy, weight-training, powerbuilding, HIIT and yoga programs. Their mission focuses on bikini body confidence rather than weight loss. And with summer around the corner, we can definitely get behind that. $19.99/monthly after 1-week free trial

8fit | The major difference between 8fit and so many other fitness apps is total customization. Not to mention their wholesome (and actually delicious) nutrition plans. The app launches with a simple quiz to assess your wellness goals and preferences. Followed by personalized workouts and meal plans, 8fit feels like a personal trainer and pocket nutritionist all rolled into one. It even provides a grocery list, making this app a total one-stop-shop. Free on iTunes and Google Play
Workout for Women by 7M | Like Netflix for fitness, Workout for Women is the ultimate destination for training on demand. Each workout includes target area, endurance level, duration and calories burned. These free, no-equipment-needed videos start at seven minutes, making them quick yet effective routines to take with you anytime, anywhere. Free on iTunes and Google Play
Do you use a fitness app to work out? We want to know what you use, why it’s great and how you use it! Share below! 
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