

Ever plunged your face into a bowl of ice water in the morning to depuff? Or maybe you’re just hooked on your iceroller. We’re looking back to our favorite skin icing technique of all time: green tea cubes…

Ice your face, thank us later. The ultimate hot weather beauty hack includes icing the face with green tea ice cubes and is as simple as can be.

This clever skincare ritual comes to us from reiki specialist and natural esthetician, Julie Civiello Polier (her signature ‘shamanic facial’ is the ultimate all-in-one healing treatment and available at some locations of tenoverten). According to Julie this simple habit helps her achieve taut, glowing, clear skin daily.

Green tea is known for it’s potent antioxidants, plus anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Brewed and poured into ice cube trays, the tea is the ultimate anti-inflammatory tool to depuff, tone, increase circulation, and help heal skin flare-ups. Julie recommends using one ice cube at a time wrapped in a washcloth (to avoid a melting mess) and working with the ice from the center of your face out. Morning or night, anytime goes!

This clever skincare ritual is perfect for summer when we want our skin to be as naked and glowy as possible. Here’s how to make it work…

The Green Tea Ice Facial


1 – 2 bags organic green tea
purified water
ice tray (we love these stick-shaped ice molds – they’re meant for bottled water, but work like a skincare wand in this case!)


Brew a cup of strong green tea with purified water. After the tea has cooled, pour the tea into an ice tray and freeze until solid.

Morning or night, pull out an ice cube or stick and wrap in a washcloth to deal with the melt.
Take it easy for 5-10 minutes and gently rub the green tea ice cube across face, working outward and upward.

Use as part of your weekly skincare rituals or whip up a batch of cubes for special occasions in which you know your skin will need the support!

If you fall in love with this facial and want to take things to the next level, we also recommend freezing just a tablespoon or so of any hydrating toner in an ice tray and using in the same way when skin is inflamed, red, broken out, sweaty, or simply in need of a treat!

Need more help? We hear that! Read this next:

How To Avoid The 6 Mask-related Skincare Issues
According To Facialists

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