

Greetings and Salutations from Heaven!!

I am having a BRILLIANT time at We Care Spa. I’ve never been to a spa in my life and before Monday I had only ever had one massage. Can you say Bliss?

Here’s the thing about this spa, it is a juice fasting, wellness and spiritual retreat. There’s lots of yoga and health food classes and detoxification treatments (which includes massages > who’d’ve thunk it??) that leave you sometimes in a daze of “What just happened and can I do it again?” I am learning so much about how to heal your body with natural substances. BUT, if you don’t want to make drastic changes you can do little things to make your system run just a little bit better.

Two of my favorite classes have been about two completely non-drastic ways to maximize your body’s health and function. The first is taking enzyme supplements for healthy digestion. The second is observing alkalinity. There is no way I can fit 3 hours of lecture into a quick blog, so please do yourself a favor and do some research. I am about to start reading The Enzyme Factor by Dr Hiromi Shinya, MD to kick-start my journey.

So much to do and so little time…I have a colonic and a massage in 15 minutes so I have to go, but I wish you well.

Signing off from Cloud 9,


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