

When I became a mother, I found myself suddenly and acutely interested in simplifying my home and my life (and also more focused on organic, natural products, as evidenced by my first post on The Chalkboard). We live in a small house and with the addition of another person, I felt a desperate need to get rid of everything we don’t use and don’t need. The bathroom cabinet was no exception.

A friend of mine had recently launched a new organic skincare line, and the company mission statement was something to the tune of “less is more”. You can imagine how that sounded to me, a woman on a mission to rid our family life of excess stuff. As it turned out, One Love Organics is a brilliant line of 100% pure, organic skincare products. Their guiding principle is to make a small line of products that can be used for many things, “using only the highest grade of ethically sourced raw materials to ensure the most effective, luxurious and guilt-free application”. Genius! And because the ingredients in every product are gentle, natural, and organic, they are perfectly baby-friendly too.

We use the foaming cleanser for just about everything: hand-washing, face-washing and hair-washing. It even comes in a family size, for those with lots of little faces to tend. And the Skin Savior waterless multi-balm is exceptionally well suited for deep cleaning, make-up removal, eye cream, lip treatment, pomade and even diaper rash. Yep.

I adore the Brand New Day scrub to wake up my skin in the morning (especially back when I was a very new mom, in desperate need of deep sleep), and the serum is luxurious and silky and feels like the perfect way to say goodnight to my face. A mom of young children deserves a little something for herself at the end of the day, after all. And when you’re nursing, pregnant or trying to get pregnant, avoiding all the yucky stuff that comes in most fancy skincare products is definitely a good way to go. It’s a great way to go if you fall into none of those categories, actually!

I might be the slightest bit biased, but I think One Love Organics is just about perfect. It’s the first organic skincare line that I’ve used that really feels like it works. Like my skin is getting what it needs from the products, but nothing more. The scents are natural and delicious and come from the ingredients, not from perfumes. And I love that it’s so multi-purpose. After a year, I’m happy to report that the number of products vying for space in our bathroom has dwindled significantly. And OLO is definitely the majority of the few that I continue to stock.

For more on the company, read their philosophy here. You’ll totally be sold.

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