We’re just going to assume you brush your teeth every day. If you’re advanced, you floss. But did you know that there is a whole world of (pretty cool) wellness tools made for your mouth?
In this recent story with Dr. Gottfried, she shares “If you don’t floss, your risk of mortality is 30 percent higher and if you see the dentist only once per year, you raise mortality by 30 to 50 percent. Flossing can prevent periodontal disease after as little as one month of regular use.”
Made us think.
While tooth floss may be the most boring wellness staple out there, we’ve actually got a few oral care products that have us excited about flossing, brushing and beyond…
9 Oral Care Products We Actually Enjoy Using
Dr Plotka’s MOUTHWATCHERS Toothbrush | We’ve tried all the toothbrushes, from electric on down, but this is a team fave! Dr. Plotka’s toothbrush can nearly floss for you while you brush with a grid of long, fine bristles embedded into the brushhead that work like magic. Also infused with silver which works to reduce bacteria.
Dr. Tung’s ionic toothbrush | This ionic toothbrush is both more powerful and more sustainable than your average brush. Instead of trying to force plaque off the teeth by friction alone, the ionic vibrations of this electric brush makes the teeth let go of plaque, like turning off a magnet!
Take Vitamin C | Vitamin C is needed for healthy gums, reducing the incidence of bleeding gums, gingivitis, and even periodontitis. We love New Chapter’s fermented Vitamin C complex that includes a host of immune boosting and stress fighting herbs.
HUPPY Toothpaste tablets | Huppy toothpaste tablets come in a small tin that can be refilled by the bagful. The goal here is to reduce waste, but we also love how convenient the tablets are for travel or even afternoons out. Classic peppermint is good, but the charcoal mint is even better.

living libations gum drops oil | When flossing, add a dab of mouth-friendly, bacteria-killing essential oils to the floss. The oils seep into the tiny places that floss cannot reach and packs a punch of anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal power to your daily routine. We love the Happy Gum Drops for this. CHECK OUT

BrideBrite | This whitening system is designed by a dentist for those (like brides) who have other things to think about, but need safe whitening fast. We love that the formula is designed for sensitive gums and teeth, using blue light to amplify results.
intelliWHiTE Smile Saver Nano HAP Toothpaste | This new kind of fluoride-free toothpaste is formulated with breakthrough Nano HAP (Hydroxyapatite) and Vitamin D technology. First used by NASA astronauts returning home to help remineralize their bones and teeth, it’s the gold standard in modern dental care and unique to the brand.