

What You Need To Know: More commonly known as dragon fruit, one glance at the pitaya fruit and you’ll think you’ve been transported into a whimsical 1980s cartoon feature. Its bright colors, quirky spikes and dappled interior make it one of the most unique and filled-with-character fruits in the entire grocery store. Grown primarily in Central America and Southeast Asia, pitaya is the fruit of a cactus plant. The big difference between those grown in the Americas and in Asia is that the former contains magenta meat, while the Asian variety has a white interior…both, however, are equally scrumptious!

Why You Should Try It: The fruit’s edible seeds contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, keeping your ticker in tip-top shape. It is rich in vitamin C, carotene, phosphorus and B vitamins, which promote everything from an indestructible immune system to skin and eye health. The plethora of antioxidants help destroy cancer-causing free radicals in the body, and its fiber promotes optimal digestion. Not enough proof you should add this brightly hued superfood to your diet? It can help lower blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Delish!

Let’s Get Together: Pitaya fruit can most commonly be found between June and late December. Look for it in your local co-op or farmer’s market  we enjoy eating the day-glo flesh raw, with a spoon! It can also be mixed into your favorite smoothies and parfaits for a fun twist on an otherwise typical treat.



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