

How You Glow oatmeal recipe

How cozy, sweet and satisfying is this oatmeal recipe from Jessie De Lowe, co-founder of the fun and glowy site How You Glow? Made with brûléed bananas cooked in ghee, stewed strawberries and a few other nutrient-dense toppers, this dreamy breakfast recipe is everything we want on a cozy winter morning… Cozy Winter Oatmeal
with Bruleed Fruit

For the oatmeal:
3 cups water
1 cup almond milk (or other milk of choice)
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1 pinch salt
1 pear, diced
2 cups organic old-fashioned oats
Toppings: brûléed bananas, stewed berries, pomegranate seeds, roasted walnuts, roasted almonds and fresh almond butter

Heat water + milk on stove in medium saucepan. Add cinnamon, vanilla, salt and pear to liquid. Let cook for 2 minutes Add oats and bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally until most of the liquid is absorbed and the oats are fluffy (roughly 5 minutes).

Once oatmeal, banana and berries are put into bowl, add a sprinkle of frozen or fresh pomegranate seeds, roasted walnuts + almonds and a tablespoon of fresh almond butter. Add a drizzle of almond/nut milk to taste.

Be cozy and enjoy!

For the brûléed bananas:
Slice banana in half lengthwise, sprinkle with cinnamon. Place banana in sautée pan that has been greased with coconut oil, ghee or organic butter. Add drizzle of maple syrup for caramelization (mmmm!).

Let cook on medium-low heat for 1 to 2 minutes per side.

For the stewed berries:
Place frozen berries in saucepan and cook on low heat. Add a drizzle of maple syrup and let simmer until hot and stewed.

Love this recipe? Discover other healthy
breakfast ideas here.

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