

Digital Distraction mastin kipp

Social media can do a lot of good depending on how we use it, but we all know what it feels like to overdose. Lately, we’re feeling extra sensitive and have noticed that others are feeling the same. Our version of digital detox is all about making realistic (read: sustainable) adjustments to our relationship with tech. Instead of cutting it out all together, we’re aiming to improve our relationship with social media. We want our use of it to elevate how we feel about ourselves offline and improve the quality of our interpersonal connection IRL. This piece by Mastin Kipp — functional life coach and author of the bestselling book, Claim Your Power — offers a guide to getting back in touch with our analog mind so we can focus, create, connect and flourish at a higher level…

There is a rich gift within you that the world needs you to give us. You don’t recognize your power or importance. But in order to create this gift, in order to give birth to it, you must let go of all distractions.

Digital distraction is the number one deterrent of accomplishing goals. This can come in the form of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, email, apps…the list goes on. Think about how much time you spend on these, and then how much time you spend actually creating or giving your gift. We can spend up to 10 hours per day on our screens — imagine what would happen if we channeled that into following through on our goals?

I, too, used to be guilty of spending too much time on social media. But then I realized just how much taking a digital detox is beneficial to not only productivity, but to health, wealth and well-being. After working with tens of thousands of people on improving their lives, I’ve put together five ways to stop digital distraction from killing your purpose.

Set BoundariesGive yourself set times to block off for email. Don’t use social media within two hours of waking up or going to bed. If you have a hard time sticking to your own boundaries, I love the app called Freedom — it blocks all websites and apps of your choosing during time frames you set. Try it, you’ll be amazed at how much you’ll get done.

Goodnight, PhoneBy now, you likely know how bad exposure to blue light is for sleep. When exposed to artificial light at night, the body’s circadian rhythm becomes confused and throws off quality of sleep. Try not to expose your eyes to a phone (or any blue light) in the hours before you go to bed so your body can naturally wind down. Even better, put your phone on airplane mode and away from your bed while you sleep so you won’t be temped to check it at night.

Eliminate ComparisonFOMO is real! We don’t want to miss out on the latest news, digital meme or event our friends are attending. But often we spend too much time comparing ourselves to others on social media — and think our lives aren’t as successful or fun. Remember, social media is really just a highlight reel. Use the time you spend comparing yourself to others on social media to actually work on your dreams and goals, and your life will ultimately become better in real life.

Don’t Over CommitLearn to say no to people, opportunities and/or distractions that aren’t serving you well. I always say the bigger the no, the bigger the yes. If you’re going on an extended digital detox, tell your friends. Put an out-of-office on email that simply says you’re unavailable, and stick to it. Friends will understand, and you’ll be able to show up better for them when you have the time and space for it.

Decide What’s ImportantIs it more important to spend time scrolling on social media or spend time with your loved ones? Should you answer every single email right this second or spend time working on your life goal? If you’re tempted by your phone, take a minute to check in with yourself — and remember what’s important. When you end digital distraction, you set yourself up for massive success.

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