

Full Moon in Aquarius celebration sophie jaffe

The energy of the moon is powerful enough to control the ocean’s tides — it’s a small leap to imagine it affects us humans too. As we gear up for the full moon in Aquarius this week, we’re checking in with Sophie Jaffe, founder of Philosophie (and proud mama of a new baby girl!) all about the meaning of this full moon and how we can harness its transformative potential. Light up your palo santo and make it a party…

Every time a full moon comes around I get excited with energy. A full moon is a magical period for celebrating your growths and achievements at this midway point of a moon cycle, solidifying and growing your relationships and loving on yourself. A full moon is about celebration and manifestation. This is a time to gather your friends, have a dance party, go out and bask in all your women fierceness. You are a goddess!

Each full moon is charged with energy. Some people react very differently with each full moon. Take it all in and sit with whatever wave you’re riding. The full moon is a great time to self-assess yourself and your goals in order to make them a reality. It’s a time to go a bit crazy and let your wild woman out.

Bask in the sacred energy by gathering your favorite soul sisters, harness goddess power, release and let go. Prepare for a vibrant, energetic circle. Or go out for the night and dance until dawn then hold a small intimate, sacred moon circle in the morning. I also recommend setting out all your crystals overnight so they can recharge.

A Ceremony for the Full Moon in Aquarius + Lunar Eclipse

The full moon on July 27th rests in Aquarius. If you needed a cosmic sign for change, then this high-vibe, bold full moon is it! While you won’t get a view of the eclipse in America, its energy is so powerful you can feel it right down to your bones. Free-flowing Aquarius is the sign of collaboration and togetherness. It’s all about uniting around a higher cause and the creative impulse to fight for our beliefs. This sign is more about universal love than intense one-on-ones. This air sign moves with the energy of the tides. It’s a great time to unite with friends, family or strangers around a value you believe in down to your core. It’s a time of political activism; this full moon energy gives you the power to truly harness all your beliefs.

What to Gather for a Full Moon Ceremony

Stones and crystals or dried herbs:
Set out anything earthly in nature.
I also recommend setting out all the crystals around your home to recharge for the next cycle.

Ignites your passion and causes a spark of internal energy
(use white, dark blue or green).

Feathers/essential oils:
Healing and symbolizes a new beginning
(we recommend patchouli or cypress oils).

Journal + pen:
Essential to harness any thoughts and emotions that arise during your circle.

Obsidian, clear quartz, garnet, tiger’s eye, smoky quartz.

Sage or palo santo

Moon deck

Journal prompts: What change do you want to see in your life? Does everything in your life currently have a need or purpose? Is there something that doesn’t fulill you?

AFFIRMATION: Burn palo santo or sage, and repeat this affirmation out loud five times or more: When I allow myself to believe in my power, I can create magic.

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