

One reason we love our February Guest Kristin Ess is for her mad skills with the hot tools and color brushes. Celebrity clients from Lauren Conrad to Lucy Hale rely on her for their photo-ready looks and as co-founder of The Beauty Department, Kristin’s leading a generation or two of women onto higher – more glamorous – ground.

Another reason we love Kristin is she’s got an eye for style across the board. She’s loved by everyone we know, has a quip for every occasion, and an Instagram that kills. We asked Kristin to dish on a few trends she’s loving right now, her best DIY beauty tricks, and the key to getting that perfect RED

Obsession of the moment: bobs and the lobs

Can’t travel without… a moisturizing face mask

Crucial in a pinch… a resourceful assistant

Historical beauty whose hair you’d love to have done: Isabella Blow

Go-to DIY for great hair: Avocado and olive oil mask, whip it together, leave it on for 30 minutes or longer. I sometimes do this while cleaning or organizing.

For ultra-glamorous effect… add a bright lip.

Fave trend of 2015: Ear jackets and ear crawlers.

Best advice on the biz: Someone once said, “There is no such thing as luck, only opportunities, and being prepared for those opportunities.” That someone was Oprah.

Weirdest beauty habit: This Japanese natural exfoliator gel called Cure that just makes your dead skin ball up and roll off. I’m obsessed, it’s so bizarre!

BEAUTIFYING MEAL: Anything with salmon or avocado

Shower shelf staple: Tom Daxon shower gel, he’s a perfumer which makes that shower gel next level.

On my bedside table: Smart Water

For those considering going red… Be well-versed in your reds, know the difference between copper, auburn and chestnut so that you know what you are asking for! Always take pictures with you of the reds that you like.

Quickest way to rehab bad hair: Co-washing

CURRENT BEAUTY WHOSE HAIR YOU’D LOVE TO GET YOUR HANDS ON: I love my clients, there’s nobody I’m really dying to do that I’m not doing already, but I’m always open to a new cool girl!

ALWAYS IN MY EVENING CLUTCH: Cash! With all the conveniences of credit cards and apple pay we often forget to take cash for valet, etc.

Most treasured beauty tip… moisturize the backs of your hands!

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