

RAISED IN RURAL New South Wales, Australia on a local, whole food diet, Amy Chaplin has always been passionate about building dishes around nutrient-dense ingredients and relying on recipes that can easily be adapted to each season. The world-class plant-based chef and cookbook author has just released a new cookbook that every healthy foodie needs to get their hands on stat.

If you struggle to make cooking at home a ritual, Whole Food Cooking Every Day is the only inspiration you’ll need to build the habit. In 20 chapters, Amy shares pantry-stocking tips, cooking techniques, and insanely beautiful nutrient-dense recipes that are sure to become classics in your home.

One recipe we’re loving from Whole Food Cooking Every Day is this fiber and healthy fat-packed seed loaf. It’s perfect for anyone living that gluten-free life, or simply looking for delicious ways to upgrade their daily diet. Get inspired by our interview with Amy here, pick up a copy of her new book, and get cooking with amazing recipes like this one…


Makes 1 loaf


1½ cups short-grain brown rice, soaked overnight in 4 cups filtered water
½ cup raw unhulled sesame, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, soaked overnight with the rice (see above)
1 cup filtered water
1 cup rolled oats
2 Tbsp psyllium husks
1 Tbsp aluminum-free baking powder
3 Tbsp extra-virgin coconut or olive oil
1 tsp fine sea salt
raw black sesame, sunflower or pumpkin seeds for sprinkling over loaf


Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a 41⁄2 x 81⁄2-inch loaf pan with parchment paper, leaving at least a 1-inch overhang on each long side. Set aside. Pour the soaked rice and seeds into a large strainer and rinse well under cold running water. Place the strainer over a bowl and set aside to drain thoroughly.

Transfer the drained rice and seeds to a food processor, add the 1 cup water, oats, psyllium husks, baking powder, oil and salt, and process until well combined and the grains have broken down but the mixture still has some texture. Scrape the sides and process again. Transfer the batter to the prepared pan, making sure to spread it into the corners. Sprinkle the top with the raw seeds and bake for 40 minutes.

Rotate the pan and bake for another 40 minutes, or until the edges of the bread are golden and have pulled away from the sides of the pan. Use the parchment paper overhang to lift the loaf out of the pan and onto a wire rack to cool. Be sure to cool the bread completely before slicing, or it will still be sticky inside. On the day it is baked, this bread has a very hard crust, but it softens after a day. Store the loaf in an airtight container at cool room temperature for up to 3 days or in the fridge for 1 week. You can freeze the sliced bread in an airtight container for up to 3 months. The bread is best eaten lightly toasted.

Dulse is a seaweed rich in significant levels of calcium, potassium, iodine, magnesium and vitamin A. It’s also seaweed, which is still such a foreign ingredient to so many of us, despite the fact that it’s been used in diets around the world for millenia.

This unusual and delicious condiment recipe is just what landed Amy Chaplin and her cookbook, Whole Food Cooking Every Day the James Beard Award for Best Book in Vegetable-Focused Cooking last year. The gluten and dairy-free cookbook was also named one of the Best Cookbooks of the Year by the New York Times, Washington Post, Bon Appétit, Martha Stewart Living, Epicurious, and more.

This elegant za’atar recipe will thrill foodies looking for wildly umami details to impress their friends (or maybe just spouses currently). While the ingredients are exotic, the prep is simple and the results are phenomenal…

Says Chaplin in the book, “Dulse has a soft, pliable texture and is quite chewy if eaten right out of the package. Once toasted, though, it crunches easily and, with its natural smokey flavor, makes a delicious seasoning.”

Dulse Rose Za’atar
Makes 6 tablespoons | 1¹/₂ ounces | 45 g

¼ cup (1¼ ounces | 35 g) raw unhulled sesame seeds, toasted
2 tablespoons (1 g) dried organic rose petals
1 tablespoon Toasted Dulse Flakes
1 teaspoon ground sumac
1 teaspoon dried thyme
½ teaspoon flaky sea salt

Combine the sesame seeds, rose petals, dulse, sumac, thyme, and salt in a small jar or bowl and stir to combine. Store in a tightly sealed jar for up to 3 months.

For the Toasted Dulse Flakes
To toast dried dulse, spread 1/2 cup (¼ ounce | 8 g) over a baking sheet and toast in a 350°F (180°C) oven for 10 minutes, or until crisp to the touch and lightly browned in spots. Allow to cool slightly, and use your fingertips to crush the dulse into flakes. Store in a tightly sealed jar for up to 6 months. This makes a scant 3 tablespoons (1/2 ounce | 15 g).

Get Amy Chaplin‘s cookbook, Whole Food Cooking Every Day here. Excerpted from Whole Food Cooking Every Day by Amy Chaplin (Artisan Books). Copyright © 2019.

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