

A couple of years back, we filled The Shop with a good strong book list of 30 game-changing wellness books. Since then, we’ve added even more which you can check out in the book section of The Shop now.

We’re revisiting this classic list with a few highlights below. What’s on your essential wellness reading list these days?

In The Shop, you’ll find a list of wellness books that have deeply impacted the way we live. We’re calling it our TCM Library—27 essential books and authors who have shaped the way we look at everything from eating well, clean living, healing and the mind-body connection.

If you’re new to the wellness scene, the TCM Library is for you, Start by browsing our shelves and finding a few titles that resonate with you personally. The books we’ve selected run the gamut from fringe to front and center and there’s something here for everyone. If you’re truly just beginning, we recommend Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. (Click here for the full list.)

We’ve learned quite a bit from every one of these authors, but keep in mind: Not all the philosophies, diets and protocols mentioned in these pages are for everyone. Not everyone needs to go gluten-free or be 100% vegan or to drink raw milk, but some do. There are healthy lifestyles of many shapes and sizes—and many ways to do the thing right.

One thing all the books in our library have in common is that they’ll lead you toward more mindful life choices and more real, whole, time-tested foods. And for our readers with well-developed libraries of your own, we may have left out a few great titles. Tell us, what books would you add to our bookshelf of wellness essentials? See all 27 picks over in The Shop, and see a few of our favorites below…

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