Perfect brows are hard to come by, yet they’re an essential piece to a totally pulled-together look. They’re even more important for a partially-pulled together “of course I woke up like this” look — our personal fave come spring and summer.
Whether you’re going fashionably bold or just filling in some blanks, these brow products from L.A.’s green beauty paradise, The Detox Market, will get the job done. Our favorites include a smudge-proof pencil for casual tweaks, waterproof wax for flawless beach selfies (we’re thinking ’bout you, summer), and an all-natural serum to give sparse arches a head start.
Skim these pro tips from celebrity makeup artist, Katey Denno, then scroll down and start shopping your way to perfect brows…
8 Clean Picks For Perfect Brows
Plume Lash + Brow Enhancing Serum | We’re all about faking a perfect pair, but this all-natural serum will actually help you grow (or grow back) your own. Made with nine responsibly sourced botanical actives, this prettifying formula stimulates, strengthens and protects hair follicles with zero creepy side-effects. CHECK OUT
Ecobrow Eyebrow Defining Wax | 100% natural, lightweight and smudge-proof, this defining wax is one of our faves. CHECK OUT
Kjaer Weis Brow Brush | This brush gets bonus points for being vegan and hypoallergenic, but the real reason we love it is for it’s utility: an angled brush gives us total control in painting on a perfect pair. Flip it over and give those brows a jujj for a nearly-natural look. CHECK OUT
RMS Beauty Living Luminizer | A dab of this pearly coconut oil-based highlighter across the brow bone helps make our pair pop in a natural-looking way. CHECK OUT
W3ll People Bio Correct Multi-Action Concealer | Don’t let dark spots distract from your gorgeous arches. Made with algae, coffee and antioxidant-rich pomegranate, this concealer de-puffs, brightens and nourishes our eye are while covering up what’s not wanted there. CHECK OUT
Sappho Brow Pomade | For when things get a little wet, wild (or just a bit overgrown). This tinted wax allows us to add waterproof definition while ensuring every hair stays right where it should be. CHECK OUT
Lily Lolo Eyebrow Duo | Patchy brows? Pressed powder is the answer. Use half the pod to fill in the blanks, and the other half to hold it all in place. CHECK OUT
Alima Pure Eyebrow Pencil | When our brows game fall short (aka they are short because they’ve been plucked halfway in) this pencil saves the day. Keep it sharp for a fine tip that’ll mimic individual hairs, or blend as you please — it will stay on all day either way. CHECK OUT

This post is brought to you by The Detox Market. Click here to find green beauty brands to detoxify your life – including organic skin care, natural makeup, 5-