

Aries, The Ram

It’s a fun month for you, dear Aries! Everyone wishes his or her month were packed with as much fun as you have ahead of you. The sun is shining in Leo, your 5th house of fun and romance, until the 22nd of the month. Love is a big theme for you now, Aries. Henceforth, if you have a creative project you have been holding off on, now is perfect timing. The Full moon in Aquarius on August 1st illuminates your 11th house of groups and friends. A friend or acquaintance may invite you to a highly social event. Your group of friends could be expanding at this time. Perhaps you have been trying to find a group of people that you fit in with. This could be your lucky moon. Mars is visiting Libra, your 7th house of relationships, until the end of the month. If you are searching for the perfect partner in love or business, this is an excellent time for that chance meeting. Harmonizing Venus enters Cancer in your home and family sector on August 7th. If you need to find the perfect place to live or update your current digs, you have the magic touch. When the Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd of the month, your attention will turn to physical exercise and your job. Mercury is retrograde in Leo, your 5th house of romance, the first week of August bringing a blast from the past back. If you’re single, get out there and mingle – you never know whom you could meet. If attached, enjoy the first three weeks to have some romantic evenings with your partner. It’s going to be a fantastic month, so enjoy!

Taurus, The Bull

It’s a huge month when it comes to your career and home life, Taurus. Do you have moving on the brain? The sun is visiting your domestic 4th house until the 22nd. There has never been a better time to make your home a sanctuary. Many Tauruses may move or spruce up their current digs at this time. A full moon culminates in Aquarius, your 10th house of career and recognition, on August 1st. You may be making a name for yourself this year when it comes to your job! You could be ready to move up the so-called “corporate ladder” when it comes to your career. VIPs have been watching all the hard work you have been putting in and at last, you are about to get the recognition you deserve. Energizer Mars is still been heading through Libra, your 6th house of health and service. You are busy with work and have plenty of extra energy to get healthy and burn some calories at the gym. On August 7th, Venus, your ruler, enters your 3rd house of short trips and communication endeavors. Your words are like gold now, so start writing or speaking what’s on your mind, as people will understand where you are coming from. You are ready to mingle with people in your neighborhood! Love could even develop just strolling the block. There could be a delay with moving or redecorating your home the first week of August, as Mercury is retrograde until the 8th. It’s a joyous month for you on the job and home front with much to celebrate, Taurus!

Gemini, The Twins

The month of July definitely has a lot of cosmic activity, so let’s start from the top. Leo rules your 3rd house of communication, siblings, writing, speaking, learning and short trips. Have you been thinking about traveling, being an entrepreneur or going back to school? Even a publishing deal could come through for you this month. A full moon in compatible air sign Aquarius culminates on August 1st in your optimistic 9th house. You might get some fantastic publicity regarding your career or be heading out of town on a trip. This full moon seems to activate a lot of travel, writing and/or speaking coming up for you in the coming six months. Your ruler Mercury, planet of communication, is retrograde in Leo, your 3rd house, the first week of the month. You might have plans to travel or to publish a piece, but just know deals are influx. Mercury will go direct on August 8th, so hang in there, Gemini! Mars entered Libra, your romantic 5th house, back in July; you are a hot commodity with no shortage of fun and admirers. If you are single, be sure to be out and mingle. Mars could deliver a spicy summer romance! Your world is changing for the better with lucky Jupiter in Gemini, your first house, until June 2013. What a spectacular month and year you have ahead of you, dear Gemini.

Cancer, The Crab

It’s a busy month in the cosmos with Mercury retrograde until the 8th. The Sun is shining in Leo, your 2nd house of earned income and resources, until the 22nd of the month. Many Cancers could be changing jobs this month with the flurry of activity in your money houses. Your resources are changing for the better now. If you have wanted to change jobs on find a way to generate additional income, you have the golden touch. Energizer Mars is in Libra all month in your 4th house of home and family. If you need to move or buy/sell property, you have it in the bag this month. Moreover, if you would like to redecorate your current space with some fresh paint or furniture, Mars gives you the oomph you need. A full moon arrives on August 1st in Aquarius, your 8th house of other people’s money and resources. It’s the perfect time to invest, get a mortgage or loan. Mercury is retrograde in Leo, your communication sector, until August 8th. Misunderstandings and breakdowns in communications are common during Mercury retrograde, so be sure to practice patience. Lucky Jupiter is in Gemini until June 2013, touring your spiritual 12th house. Your best work and ideas will come from working in solitude. Your fresh start will arrive when Jupiter enters Cancer in June 2013.

Leo, The Lion

Happy Birthday, Leo! The Sun is shining in your sign until the 22nd of the month. It’s the perfect time to get out there and start anew; in astrology, your birthday is always your personal new year. Start setting goals of where you would like to be in six months from now. The month begins with a full moon in Aquarius, your partnership house, on August 1st. This is the perfect time to make a commitment, whether for a business or personal relationship. Many Leos could even be tying the knot or getting engaged this month! Lucky Jupiter entered Gemini, your 11th house, in June, opening your friendship sector to new heights. You may be actively involved in charities and other philanthropic opportunities over the next year. You might even be working behind the scenes in some way. Mars is direct speed in Libra all month in your 3rd house of communication and short trips. Many of you might be traveling, speaking or writing this month. You may feel a bit stuck this first week of August due to mercury’s turn retrograde in Leo, but everything soothes itself out by August 8th. How exciting, Leo – you’re ready to show the world who you are starting in August.

Virgo, The Virgin

Virgo, it’s a busy month in the stars with Mercury retrograde in your 12th house until August 8th. The Sun is spending most of the month in your hidden 12th house. This is an excellent month to finish up any unfinished business until the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd. You might even be working on a project in solitude most of the month. Additionally, if you have thought about joining a humanitarian cause or volunteering, you have excellent aspects. A full moon in Aquarius falls in your 6th house of work and health. Your sign is naturally ruled by the 6th house, so you are very comfortable with creating routines and balancing health and your work. Henceforth, a freelance project might pop up at this time, as well. It’s ideal timing to diet, cleanse or start an exercising regime. Joining a gym, Pilates or yoga studio will give you just the momentum you need to start working on your fitness. Mars is direct speed in Libra, your 2nd house of earned income. If you’re ready to change jobs or look for an additional way to generate more, this is your chance. Mars enters Scorpio on the 24th, so seal all financial deals by this date. Once the Sun enters Virgo later in the month, you will be ready to start fresh. Your best ideas and inspiration will come from dreams, meditating or working alone this month.

Libra, The Balance

Libra, you have such an exciting month ahead of you. Let’s start from the top. The Sun is shinning in your 11th house of groups and friendships until the 22nd of the month. You’re feeling extra social this month; you will be busy attending social functions. The month opens on a bright note for you, with a full moon in Aquarius, your romantic 5th house, on August 1st. It’s time to do something self-expressive, fun and creative. If you are single, the coming six months could bring love; if attached, you will be able to spend more quality time with your partner. You have been quite busy with personal goals, as energizer Mars has been going through your 1st house of self. Mars moves into Scorpio, your 2nd house of earned income, on August 24th. Use the first three weeks of the month to take action for any personal endeavor. When Mars enters Scorpio, your spending could be higher now, but also your ability to generate more income is excellent. When the sun drifts into Virgo, your 12th house, on the 22nd, you will feel more like relaxing and spending some quiet time at home. The first three weeks of July favor fun and socializing. Your friendship circle is expanding in a major way starting this month.

Scorpio, The Scorpion

Scorpio, are you ready for some major career progress? You are such a hard worker, and now it’s time for you to reap the rewards of all your hard work. VIPs and others in your industry are looking at you favorably now! You may receive a promotion, bonus or an award. Mars is in your 12th house until August 24th, which has you finishing up any unfinished business or projects. Perhaps you’re getting closure on something. A full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 1st in your 4th house. Many Scorpios are moving or are making changes to their home within a few days of this date. Job relocation could even be on the radar. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, arrived in Gemini, your optimistic 8th house, to stay for the next year. If you are looking for an investor or getting a home mortgage, then it’s your lucky year. Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde in Leo, your 10th house of career and recognition, the first week of August. There might be a delay or two on the job front, but hang in there, as everything will be sorted out by the 8th. There is no stopping you this month, Scorpio, when it comes to balancing your home and professional life.

Sagittarius, The Archer

Sag, traveling is on your mind this month, with the Sun shining in Leo, your house of long distance journeys. Do you have an exotic destination in mind? You could be even traveling for work and if so, you will love the accommodations. This month also highlights media, marketing and higher learning. You may receive some publicity this month, and whether it comes from TV or print, your name could be out for the world to see. A full moon arrives as August begins falling in Aquarius, your 3rd house of communication. A weekend getaway or short business trip could come to fruition at this time. Friends also factor into this full moon, so perhaps you’re visiting an out of town friend. Mercury is retrograde until August in Leo, your 9th house of learning and travel. Mercury retrograde is always a good time to go back to the past and finish anything that you already started. Remember that project you started but never finished? Allow yourself plenty of time when traveling, as Mercury can create delays. Energizer Mars is in Libra, your 11th house of friendships until month’s end. It’s great for connecting with friends and making new ones! Once the Sun slips into Virgo on the 22nd, you will be focused on your career. You are feeling good this month, Sag, and with Lucky Jupiter in your 7th house of partnerships, you have a special someone who truly has your best interests at heart.

Capricorn, The Goat

You have money on the mind this month, Capricorn. The sun is in Leo, your 8th house of shared resources. You might be receiving some unexpected cash this month, whether it comes from a spouse, settlement or insurance payment. The 8th house also rules transformation. Get out of your outworn routines and start something fresh that makes you feel good. A Full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 1st, falling in your 2nd house of earned income. If you are looking for a new job or extra way to earn income, this could be your big moment. Energizer Mars is barreling through Libra, your 10th house of career, until late August. You have the momentum to make some major strides in your career this month. When the Sun shifts into Virgo on the 22nd of the month, you may be ready to travel or launch a major media endeavor. Mercury is retrograde in Leo the first week of August, so makes sure to allow plenty of time if traveling and practice patience with miscommunications. You’re finances are looking up this month, Capricorn!

Aquarius, The Water-Bearer

It’s all about partnerships this month, Aquarius! The Sun is shinning its light into your commitment sector. You’re signing the contract, making a verbal agreement or even putting a ring on it. The month opens with a full moon falling in your sign on August 1st. This is a big moment for you, where a lot is changing; you might be switching jobs, homes and possibly relationships. A new you is being created, and fresh starts abound. Mars is in fine form this month, going through air sign Libra, your 9th house of long distance travel. Are you ready to make some travel plans? Now is the time! Mercury is retrograde the 1st week of the month. When the Sun drifts into Virgo later in the month, you will be focused on money matters. Moreover, if you need an investor for a project, you have the stars on your side come the 3rd week on the month. This month is all about pairs, Aquarius, whether it’s for business or your personal life.

Pisces, The Fishes

August is all about treating your body like a temple, Pisces. You are in need of some healthy time, so try out yoga, the gym, Pilates or doing a cleanse. The Sun is in Leo, your health sector, until the 3rd week or the month. Practice patience when it comes to your job and daily grind, as there might be a few minor delays with Mercury retrograde in the same sector. A full moon arrives on August 1st, falling in Aquarius, your 12th house of closure. You might be processing an old outworn part of your life at this time. If you need to kick a bad habit, then the time has come. Perhaps you’re busy working behind the scenes on a special project or preparing for a move. Go-getter Mars is in Libra until August 24th and you might be seeking out investors or a loan/mortgage. When the Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd, your focus will be on forming partnerships both in business and your personal life. Use this month to get your mind and body in proper alignment.

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