

yael cohen braun fcancer

November guest editor Yael Cohen Braun is on the front lines of the fight against cancer, giving the disease a run for its money with her empowering and life-changing organization, FCancer. As CEO and co-founder of FCancer (which arose when her own life was turned upside down by her mother’s cancer diagnosis), Yael educates people around the globe about cancer prevention. That keeps health at the forefront of her mind, 24/7. Not only is she an advocate for the wellness of others – she’s a pro at taking care of herself so that she can come to the aid of men and women worldwide. Yael advocates that when it comes to cancer, no one experience is alike. She’s determined to make sure both caretakers and cancer patients have the tools they need to battle this disease in a way that feels authentic and true to their own journey.

No matter how busy life gets, Yael is always sure to keep herself is fueled and focused while she courageously leads her cancer-f*cking troops into battle. From green juice and glass bottles to hikes and healthy restaurant tips, we love how simple Yael keeps things when it comes to her own self care and wellness. Take a peek at the tips, tricks, and tools that keep her in balance day in and day out – then be sure to pop on over to StandWith, her newly launched mobile app that helps caregivers and supporters to better assist loved ones during long-term medical treatment. Here’s the wellness warrior herself…

My daily supplement:

Can't live without my...

Daily breakfast:

High protein, low sugar!

Food philosophy in one sentence:

Balance! Eat the f-ing cookie.

Fave workout:


Once a week for my health...

I hike on Sundays.

On tap: filtered or bottled?

I keep glass bottles full of water with me everywhere I go.

Best fast food option:

Chopped salad bar.

Best healthy restaurant tip:

Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

At least once a week, I cook...

…seasonally. I go to the farmer’s market every Sunday.

Just one piece of health advice:

It all adds up.

On my reading list:

My trainer David B. Agus’ A Short Guide To a Long Life.

Go-to health resources:

David! I’ve been training with him 7 years and he always has the insights I need.

Crazy health idea that actually works:

No shortcuts.

Always in my medicine cabinet:

Simplest way to improve health:

Move more.

Fave healthy getaway:

Health trend to skip:

Injections, ultrawaves

My go-to smoothie:

I make a smoothie every morning. Usually natural protein powder of some kind, 1/2 frozen banana, some seasonal fruit, and coconut water. The frozen banana is key for a really great texture.

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