

You may have noticed that ‘morning routines’ come up a lot around here. In fact, the topic became so dominant in women’s lifestyle culture world-wide a couple years ago, we actually dropped it for a while! Then, like so many good things in the realm of wellness, we returned to it once some of the hubbub fell away. A good morning routine is still one of our favorite habits to explore as we learn from others and look to tweak our own well-being rituals for the better.

It’s been years since we caught up with Kate Hudson. In fact, it was this story in 2016 detailing her red carpet prep tips that, honestly, stood the test of time quite well (we still love that body oil!).

Life for Kate has changed enormously since then, including a new brand launch or two, a familial podcast, a big engagement, and the little one you can spot below. Despite all the big life changes, it seems Kate still has a firm grip on one of wellness’ most important principles: a good morning routine.

Here’s what Kate shared us about her own morning rituals lately, including plenty of mindfulness and a great workout hack…

Name: Kate Hudson

Projects lately:INBLOOM Nutrition, Fabletics, King St Vodka and Sibling Revelry, a podcast I host with my brother, Oliver.

Morning person or night owl? I’m definitely a morning person. I can stay up late on a fun night, but early mornings are the norm for me.


How I hydrate: Celery juice is my go-to. That’s a daily. But I also love water with a heavy dose of lemon.

How I take my coffee: Black!

Morning uniform lately: I wake up and put on my Fabletics in the hopes of hitting the gym or squeezing in some kind of workout before the work day starts.

The best mornings start with… Coffee in bed, followed by time for a good workout.


Smoothies or nah? Smoothies, YEAH!! I love making morning smoothies with my INBLOOM Immunity Powder and coming up with new flavor profiles. It’s an easy way to get my vitamins if I’m at home. If I’m on the run, I’ll grab a smoothie from our new collab with Bluestone Lane.

AM soundtrack: Currently, it’s a tie between classic jazz and We Don’t Talk About Bruno. A close second is Let It Go from Frozen.

Most likely to text me first each day: My 18 year old son, Ryder.

Favorite AM life hack? Put on your workout clothes every morning, especially when you don’t feel like working out. That helps motivate me to move my body in some way.

When I’m exhausted and need next level energy support, I… Mix some INBLOOM into whatever I’m drinking, do a quick jump rope, and some energizing breathing exercises.


Favorite morning mantra lately: It changes daily!

New wellness habit that actually works: It’s certainly not new, but meditation. Finding time to sit and quiet the mind is key to wellness.

When I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, it helps me to… Meditate, breathe, and focus. Then I try to connect to the root of the issue that’s bothering me so that I don’t misdirect my feelings.

Want more A.M. inspo? Read this next:Why You Shouldn’t Abandon Your Morning Routine

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