We love long-time contributor Kelly LeVeque, a holistic nutritionist who really aces the ‘holistic’ part of her practice. This summer, Kelly’s first book Body Love launches and we’re happy to see that some of her celeb clients are as stoked on Kelly’s style of clean eating as we are!
Super-client Jessica Alba penned the forward to Body Love and we’re sharing her compelling story of working with Kelly — fluctuating body image and diet overwhelm included.
Enter to win your own copy of Kelly’s book below and check out a few of our favorite pieces from Kelly here, including her key philosophy on the ‘Fab Four’.
The desire to live the healthiest, most sustainable life that I could is what led me to challenge the status quo and start The Honest Company. And when I met Kelly, I knew I had found a kindred spirit. We connected in 2015, at a time when I was struggling with a few health issues (inflammation being one of them) and just not feeling my best. And, like most women, I wanted to drop a few pounds. Los Angeles has no shortage of nutritionists, health gurus, and wellness experts, but Kelly had worked wonders for one of my best friends, so instinct told me that she was special.
During our first meeting, I peppered Kelly with all sorts of questions (it’s who I am, I want to know why) and quickly realized we were operating on the same wavelength. She’s a geek for the science behind what we eat and the products we use, just like me. And as we dug through my pantry, dissected my typical grocery list and went through a “day-in-the-life” of what I was eating, she explained things in clear, simple terms, armed me with practical advice, and infused me with a renewed sense of confidence. It’s one of the best things about Kelly: she sets you up for self-sustaining success.
Naturally, when I heard she was putting her knowlege and her approach into a book, I was thrilled. Not only because I’ve had such incredible results working with her, but because I believe in who she is, what she does, and how she does it. She’s passionate about her work, dedicated to helping others, conscientious of different lifestyles and always, always, always a spark of positive energy in my life.And Body Love as a title? Killer. How many of us fall out of love with out bodies, our curves and even ourselves? Believe me, as an actress, I’ve felt the pressure we all feel (times a thousand) to be this weight or that jean size of have those legs. Sorry, but I don’t like trying to fit some idealized notion of “perfection”. I like me. My husband, Cash, likes me. And the funny thing is, once Kelly helped me let go of that pressure, the results I wanted — for me — came quickly and naturally (eleven inches in about six weeks!). It’s amazing what a little knowlege, confidence, and body love can do.
At the heart of it, Kelly’s approach aligns perfectly with my personal philosophy on food and nutrition. I call it honest eating, but really, it’s just about eating clean, organic, and nutrient-dense food. What really clicked for me: Her simple explanation of the science behind it all — how the right amount of macro-nutrients (her “Fab Four”) on my plate or in my smoothie will balance my blood sugar and hunger hormones. I also love what her approach isn’t — it’s not about rules, calorie counting, or bland, boring food.
Case in point: I like eating whatever I want (literally, whatever) one day a week. When I mentioned this to Kelly, she didn’t judge or lecture me. There wasn’t even the slightest bit of guilt. She just smiled and said, “I got you, girl, this isn’t all or nothing.” It was so refreshing and empowering to hear. Kelly gets it. She’s a woman, she’s been there, and she’s got you, too.

win A Copy of Body Love!
One lucky reader will win their own copy of Body Love by Kelly LeVeque.
Enter to win by leaving us your email in the entry box below!
This giveaway closes July 3rd at 5pm PST and is open to residents of the continental US only.