

MINT, MATCHA, AVOCADO: Inside Our January Shop

Mint, matcha, avocados and green juice, these delicious shades of green provide the inspiration behind our first The Shop curation of 2019.

We know Living Coral is the Pantone color of the year, but we’re feeling these peaceful, yet energizing shades to start the year off in a vibrant way.

2018 was a doozy for most – just click back through all our astrological content and you’ll a few reasons why.

This year, we plan on harnessing all the strength we gained from the struggle that was ‘18 and putting it to work for a year of meaningful gains. We’ve also learned just how lengthy a stretch of twelve months can feel and, that said, we’re committed to taking great care of ourselves daily while still keeping our big visions in mind.

Everthing in this month’s The Shop is designed to support our goal of ‘living well’ all year long and set a tone this right off the bat to pace ourselves through a year that’s sure to be one to remember…

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