

how to meditate tips

You’ve downloaded the apps, you’ve dabbled in classes — or maybe you can’t even sit still long enough to try either. If you’re convinced you can’t meditate, this guide is for you.

Biet Simkin is an author and meditation maven whose practice was born out of her shamanic upbringing and personal triumphs over trauma, drugs and poverty. She’s a master at helping those who struggle with mindfulness and stillness to learn how to meditate. Send these excuse-proof tips to your most wound-up friend…

How To Meditate:
3 Ways To Overcome Common Excuses

I don’t have time | This is a common misconception around meditation. Firstly, the time it takes to meditate is equivalent to a fraction of the time you spend scrolling through social media. You have the time. Secondly, meditation creates more time. Learning how to meditate is an expansive experience that sets you up for focus and productivity throughout the rest of your day. Meditation helps you feel good during the day, which allows you to foster more enjoyable experiences, ultimately expanding your time beyond the minutes you spent meditating.

My mind wanders too much | Sitting cross-legged and thinking about nothing doesn’t work for everyone. There are radical forms of meditation that don’t mean simply clearing your mind. Explore other practices like anger meditation, breath work, stomping exercises, dance, meditative uses of beauty. You may just find an experience that clears your mind in a similar way to more traditional meditation— without fighting a constantly wandering mind.

this makes me so uncomfortable | We’re creatures of habit. We like to stay in our comfort zone and deep down we’re often afraid of being confronted with our own life path. The truth is, someone of us have a fear of being happy. Pay attention to that voice inside your head — wouldn’t it behoove you to have a conversation with that voice? We’re genuinely afraid that listening to that voice will change us and push us outside our comfort zone. It took me a long time to fully listen to that voice inside myself. I employ daily practices of meditation and “asking”, a non-religious form of prayer, to center the voice inside myself. Affirmations are also a part of the process of becoming a greater version of yourself and the process of evolution. You owe it to yourself to explore happiness.

What’s your biggest challenge when learning how to meditate? Share with the TCM community over on The Chat, our private Facebook group!

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