

Jicama tortillas are the greatest food accessory you’ve never heard of. They’re the ultimate crunchy, versatile vessel for everything you’d want inside a flour or corn tortilla, but these babies are made with major raw plant appeal — and literally nothing else.

While creating this deconstructed guacamole board last week, we doubled down on these simple, hydrating ‘tortillas’ – nothing more than shaved sheets of jicama. While we stuffed ours with avocado, pomegranate seeds, herbs and fresh veggies, we instantly envisioned a world of culinary possibilities beyond:

+ Throw some grilled chicken, beans or raw sushi-grade salmon on top of that veggie stack and you’ve got yourself a complete, clean and balanced hand-held meal.

We first found jicama tortillas pre-made at Whole Foods (amazing!), but to make them at home, the process is simple as can be.

Scared of mandolines? We get it. Why do you think we made deconstructed guac and bought our torts pre-made? At the end of the day, a good mandoline is nothing to be scared of; use a little extra care, perhaps a YouTube video tutorial or two, and try this technique below!

How To Make Jicama Tortillas


1 whole jicama root, outside peeled (makes 18 – 20 tortillas)


Trim the edges off the peeled jicama so it will fit a mandolin. Usually 4″. Place mandolin on the thinnest setting and carefully slice jicama. (Different mandolins have different settings. If yours is too thin use the second thinnest setting). Top with fillings and eat!

Discover another fave all-veg bread substitute – sweet potato toast.

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