

color therapy

suit up in purple or gold this summer to match your main character energy. Brands like Farm Rio and Carbon 38 are giving us every reason to break out of our black and beige norms, and understanding how color impacts our mood and energy can be super-beneficial.

Explore the principles of color therapy with Allie White, and learn to use the power of color to your advantage. Read on (and dress accordingly):

How To Dress with Color Therapy + What Each Color Means

Woke up feeling run down? Opt for that yellow dress hanging in the back of your closet for a boost of energy and inspiration. Big presentation coming up that you’re not feeling so hot about? A pair of gold shoes may trigger self-confidence and a sense of authority…

RED | Red often gets an intense rap as the color of blood and fire, but when you think about it, blood is the life force, and red is to color what a Beyonce-heavy playlist is to the gym: it will give you LIFE. It’s an intense color for sure, but wielded responsibly, red can go a long way in exciting you and offering a boost of courage.carbon38 takara set

ORANGE | A blend of the intensity of red and the optimism of yellow, orange is the color of stimulation. It will kick your butt into gear, imparting the enthusiasm and energy you need to accomplish pretty much anything on your to-do list.

Wear: Carbon38’s Takara Shine in Spice 

YELLOW | Smiley face emojis aren’t yellow by accident—the bright, cheery color is one of happiness, laughter and optimism. Yellow can wake up your mind, inspire mental agility and clarity, all while imparting an energy you might not have had before. The color of sunshine, daffodils and very cute puppies, it’s an attention-getter and a smile-inducer.

GREEN | Inspiring balance and harmony, the colors of nature are naturally soothing. And all that soothing sets the stage perfectly for harmonious growth (just like plants!) and health. When you find yourself stressed or getting worked up over something, think of the strong, stable roots of a tree and the softly fluttering green leaves living in harmony with the rest of the natural world, the weather and itself.

BLUE |  Just like serene lakes and rolling oceans have a calming effect, so too does the blue they wear so well. Use blue to soothe your mind, body and spirit, and calm whatever fires might be brewing internally. It’s easy to turn to a fiery color in times of turmoil, but shades of blue are your best bet at remaining serene, wise, and focused on the truth and what matters.

PURPLE |  Historically the color of royalty, purple is often associated with wealth, sophistication, wisdom and prosperity, which makes it the perfect color to rock in job interview or salary negotiation. Lighter shades like violet are colors of transformation and soothing spirituality, perfect for a quick reconnection with yourself and what’s important.

Wear: Farm Rio’s Mixed Striped Bananas Maxi Dress (at top)

PINK | There’s a reason Valentine’s Day—the day of all things love—is awash in pink tones. Of course, it’s associated with romance and love, but pink is also believed to impart a youthful energy, and what instills a more youthful energy than falling and being in love? What’s more, pink also helps you get in touch with your true feelings aka self-love and understanding. And more vibrant shades like magenta are thought to be magnetic….so, you know, love and literal attraction.

WHITE | A color without a hue, white is sometimes thought to be the combination of all colors everywhere. It means balance and harmony, everything coming together into one perfect hue-less “color.” In some cultures, white signifies purity and innocence, while in others, it indicates light, illumination and wisdom. Either way, it’s hard to go wrong with a white outfit as it’s the perfect blank canvas, leaving you open to any possibility. (Maybe just stay away from tomato sauce.)

BLACK |  On the opposite end of the spectrum is black, the darkest color that results from the complete absence or absorption of light. That’s right, black exists when there is no light; it is the most extreme of extremes. And though it’s easy to associate this light-eating color with evil and death, it’s also a symbol for power, intelligence and strength (perhaps because it’s eaten up all the light and so has its power, intelligence and strength).

GREY | In a surprise to no one, grey is often associated with feelings of indifference and apathy. Not only can a cloudy, overcast grey sky trigger feelings of sadness, but throwing on a grey ensemble won’t do anything to energize or bring your mood up. If you want to wallow, by all means keep rocking that grey sweatsuit, but something more vibrant will go a long way to perk you up. That said, grey is also the color of practicality, so it’s a good option if you need to get down to business.spring Pilates leggings

BROWN | The color of earth, brown has a serious grounding effect. It’s the color of nature and simplicity, and invites you to reconnect to your roots to get you back on solid ground. Brown is a reliable color, one that can make you feel safe and warm. If you’re feeling lost or flighty, reach for the safety of this color.

Wear: Carbon38 Oatmeal Heather Melt Wrap Bra + Legging 

SILVER | A color linked with the divine feminine, the energy of the moon and the tides, silver is fluid, emotional and sensitive while also being calming, stabilizing and purifying. If you’re feeling reflective or in need of some deep thinking, silver will help you reflect and shine light on what to do next.

GOLD | Shiny and rare, gold is the ultimate symbol of authority, confidence, passion and courage. These all may seem disjointed but think about it: gold is associated with success, a feat that requires confidence, passion and courage.

Read Next: The Ultimate Crystal Guide: How To Use Over 50 Healing Crystals

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