

In light of recent events, we are all experiencing a massive shift — working from home, canceling events and isolating in a way we never have. It may feel unfamiliar or unsettling for some of us to create this level of physical and social distance, but it doesn’t mean we need to lose touch with our community altogether.

More than ever, relationships and connection are vital — even without the hugs and hand-shaking. We loved this orderly call to action from Heather Askinosie of Energy Muse on how to build community during this time of unprecedented global change. This simple community-building practice may help you and yours feel a bit more grounded and connected, emotionally and energetically, during this time. Tag your #communityof7 and let’s all raise the vibration together…

The People You Need Right Now – Build Your Circle Of 7

As we distance ourselves from each other physically, it’s more important than ever to stay emotionally and energetically connected. Here’s how…

Find Your People | Create a community of 7 people (Askinosie chose seven because it is a healing number, but choose a number that works for you and your life) that you will connect with on a daily basis to uplift and support each other.

Connecting can be via text, email, social, phone, video — whatever medium it is, just stay connected!

simply check in | For the next 7 days, check in with your community every day. Share something that made you smile, gave you hope or inspired you. Keep each other in your thoughts and stay in connection with each other.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or fearful, reach out to your community – we’re all going through this together.

We want to be part of the community, too. Stay connected and reach out to us whenever you need to during this time — we are here for you.

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