

Higher Grounds: Detox your Morning Latte

What you need to know: Picking up a morning latte at the local coffee house may be a integral part of your daily routine, but it also might be a hidden source of toxins. A latte, whether made with non-organic soy or cow’s milk, can expose you to a slew of major health hitters. From hormones to antibiotics, to genetically modified proteins and pesticides, the milk provides more than a frothy fill to your cup. Unfortunately, that is only the milk. Unbeknownst to most people, conventionally grown espresso beans are a source of pesticides just like your produce. Research is revealing more ways in which pesticides are dangerous to our health, which is why we must think twice before putting in an order for a double skinny latte.

What you should avoid: Lattes are typically made with conventionally grown espresso beans, exposing you to pesticides. Pesticides are known to interrupt hormone balance, leading to infertility and cancer, while causing damage to the brain and nervous tissues. Non-organic cow’s milk, whether non-fat, skim or whole, contains a cocktail of hormones, bovine growth hormone (rBGH), antibiotics, blood cells and shall I dare to even say…? Pus. The hormones contained can be directly linked to breast, colon and prostrate cancer, and have been known to induce early puberty, as well as high estrogen in men. The exposure to antibiotics can also lead to antibiotic-resistance, which can be very dangerous when they are needed. If you opt for soy instead, don’t think that it is necessarily the better option. Almost all soy is genetically modified if not labeled organic. GMO foods have shown in animal studies to cause organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Soy also contains phytoestrogens which act like estrogen in the body. As a result, it can cause low testosterone, and disorders related to high estrogen such as endometriosis, PMS, migraines, abdominal weight gain, fibroids and cysts.

Avoid: non-organic beans, cow’s milk and soy milk

healthier alternatives: Don’t be completely discouraged because there is hope! While you might have to look a bit harder for the healthier option at an artisan coffee house, or health-food cafe, they do in fact exist. So what does the healthy latte look like? For one, it is made with organic espresso beans. Our favorite brand is Lively Up! by Marley Coffee. Choosing organic is also beneficial for the environment and the local communities of coffee growers, so there is more than one upside. Next up is the milk. Only use organic cow’s milk, or choose an alternative organic plant-based option such as rice, hemp, or almond (unsweetened is the ideal). If you are making it at home, we think that using Pressed Juicery’s Vanilla Almond Milk is the best that it gets. Now that wasn’t so hard was it?

Use me: organic espresso beans, organic cow’s milk, rice, coconut, hemp or almond milk

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