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High To Low: 20 Gifts For Every Kitchen
For the wannabe gardener: ceramic sky planters

Have a friend who pins her favorite spacious gardens, but lives in the city? We love these ingenious hanging planters from Boskke. No matter the size of the sundeck or kitchen, it's easy to make room for these sweet little pots and to plant them with any variety of cooking herbs or micro greens. Great for at-home chefs who want to keep fresh herbs in reach of the stove!

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High To Low: 20 Gifts For Every Kitchen

From the bare essentials to the avant-garde, the practical to the down-right fantastical, here is our list of top holiday kitchen gifts to give or be given! There is something for everyone, whether your friends are trendy or traditional, raw or slow-cookers. Get to shopping and keep a few of these items in mind for your own Christmas list as well.

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