

full moon august 2022 meaning

Mariah K. Lyons walks us through the last super moon of the year, the Full Moon In Aquarius on August 11. Mariah is a crystal healer, the founder of the luxury grounding footwear company ASTARA and best-selling author of Crystal Healing for Women.

This Week’s Full Moon in Aquarius + The Last Super Moon of The Year

This week’s Super Full Moon in air sign Aquarius on Thursday, August 11th at 6:36pm pst is the 4th Super Moon in a row, and will be the last one of 2022.


This final Super Moon of the year is also conjunct Saturn, and Saturn as the task master “Lord of Karma” planet does not always deliver the softest readjustments, but does offer refinement and direct realignment when needed.

This is a time of completion and culmination, of assessing the information we have gathered through the recent transits and now deciding how we will move forward. We are also still in the window of the Uranus North Node Conjunction until the end of August. Chances are, you are deeply feeling the cosmic shake up that is happening on both a micro and macro level, especially in foundational areas of our lives that are generally experienced as stable pillars.

OVERALL THEMES TO EXPLORE…Boundaries, Alignment, Truth

We are being asked to define our boundaries and non-negotiables in order to come into even greater alignment with our own personal truth and the higher vision for our lives and the world at large. This may be showing up through triggers in relational dynamics, your work in the world, or how and where you live.

We have the opportunity to explore what is important and of value to us and make any adjustments needed to be in harmony with our truth. The past few days might have brought up needed, yet most likely uncomfortable, conversations with others, as well as inquiry as to what is working or not working in your life on the whole. Whatever clarity those conversations and inquiries have provided can help us to release and redirect energy in a multitude of ways.

Aquarius, the water bearer, helps to cleanse and transform all that is no longer in alignment. Discerning Saturn helps us to be swift with what needs to go. Aquarius also helps us to zoom out and see the bigger picture, and as the rebel humanitarian of the zodiac, reminds us of the power in doing things in our own unique way.

HOW YOU MAY FEEL… Emotional, Determined, Activated

There might be big feelings coming up for you. Feel them, yet do not attach to them. The expression of these feelings is needed and important and can serve to point you in the direction of your next move.

With the current transits, it is likely that things are being shaken up, which might create anxiety or overwhelm when we try to hold on to what was. See if you can stay in a space of curiosity, neutrality and deep listening, trusting that what is being seen and felt is potent information for your journey.

Take action on where you are being redirected and open to the possibilities that lay before you. Change is not always easy, so be gentle and loving toward yourself in the process.

EXCELLENT TIME TO… Write, journal, meditate, take a breath work class, spend time in or around bodies of water, dance, move the energy that is wanting to move and release.

It is also a great time to have any difficult conversations that may be needed in certain relational dynamics in your life, be that work or personal, but make sure that you are grounded first and coming from a space of compassionate truth and clarity and not from an agitated or overly emotional place, as the energy right now is very heightened and amplified.

Take a look back at your writing prompts from the last few months and see if there are any patterns emerging. What wisdom has emerged from those experiences?

Lastly, now is the time to release and let go of anything and anyone that is not in alignment with where you are at this time. It is not personal, it is an expression of deep love for yourself and honoring your own truth and boundaries. Reclaiming your sacred “No” is a radical declaration to the Universe that you are ready for your next evolution of self.

JOURNALING PROMPT… What does full alignment feel like? What does truth feel like in my body? What is my truth? Am I communicating my truth? What or whom is not in alignment with my truth and values at this time? What boundaries are needing to be strengthened to support my higher visions for my life?

My book Crystal Healing for Women has a “Surrendering to the Universe” ritual that is supportive in times of release and redirection.

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