

The topic of sustainability can pop up where we least expect it. Recently, we learned about the surprising uptick in waste (and donated goods!) generated by the world-wide phenomenon of Kondo’ing one’s home.

To be clear, we support the KonMari Method one hundred percent (read our interviews with Marie here!), but, these days, it’s not enough to think about making-over our spaces with glass, brass and wood without thinking about where all those plastic items that ‘don’t spark joy’ will go.

We’ve curated a super-gorgeous selection of home goods below that’ll help you live more sustainably and reduce your reliance on things like paper towels, bags from the grocery, and plastic water bottles. However, with the above in mind, remember that replacing permanent items can have the unintended consequence of more waste too. After all, where does all the ugly plastic storageware go when we decide we’re done with it? We shudder at the thought.

We’re not sure we have a perfect solution for you here — maybe none of us does, but while you are mindfully shopping for new things, consider the solutions below. One pretty, cork-lined KeepCup could replace countless paper coffee cups and the cloth coffee filter could save a ton of less obvious waste from your daily grind.

We are quite sure that none of us can do it all. In fact, we encourage you to go slow and make mindful changes that will last — we’ve all tried those impossible swaps that we just can’t sustain only to revert back to old habits. Start small and start with an area of your life or home that feels like an upgrade, not a chore (this market bag or ceramic water filter is a good place to start).

Discover a few solutions in The Shop that make sense for your home and let us know in the comments about the sustainable changes you’ve made at home that have had the biggest impact.

Stay tuned as we add items we love to The Shop from new stories throughout the season — and check out our sustainable office guide if you’re looking for more!

From our friends